“Tom Nook fancies himself to be quite the financial genius.
He owns the town store and dabbles in real estate.
He’ll cut you a deal on your first home, but you’ll owe him, and he won’t let you forget it.”
“Tom Nook has been feeling mighty pleased with himself ever since he remodeled Nook’s Cranny into the Nook n’ Go.
He has to work longer hours – seven AM until eleven PM – but hey! That’s big business!”
“No matter how big his store gets, Tom Nook still makes a point of maintaining a “paws-on” sales approach. It doesn’t matter where you go in the store – he’ll always be one step behind you!”
“Tom Nook is a huge fan of the monthly raffle. Not only does he get a day of relative leisure-all he has to do is turn a wheel – but the desire for prizes really drives furniture sales.
People buy stuff just for tickets!”
“Tom Nook is “The Man.”
Everybody relies on him for basic supplies and a steady income.
And after you become a Nook regular, your shopping trips will become shopping extravaganza.”
From the City Folk Game Guide:
"A kind raccoon with a heart of gold (well, pockets of gold even though he only owns a shop, if ya know what I mean), Tom Nook helps you get started when you first move to town by loaning you a home to live in. Tom also runs a little supply shop in town that sells all the basics, including furniture, tools, and gardening supplies. Tom will help you in a variety of ways as your life unfolds, and you'll help him as well: keep shopping at the store and it'll get bigger and bigger. Eventually, old Tom will even need to hire his two nephews, Timmy and Tommy, just to keep his business running!"
[This is probably the mistake Nintendo made that made everyone believe that Timmy and Tommy were related to Tom.]