Happy Home Designer:
Today is the day our new employee arrives, yes, yes!
The new addition should be here at any moment, so I shall use this time to double-check the hiring forms.
Hm, now where have those hiring forms gotten themselves off to...?
I'm certain they were right here.
Pardon me, Lottie! Perhaps you know.
Do you remember the new hire's name?
What? You don't remember?
Please, Mr. Nook, try to keep it together.
If I recall correctly, the name was... [name].
Yes, that's it! I'm sure of it.
The new hire's name is [name], right?
Honestly, Mr. Nook. You really need to keep better track of these things!
Oh ho! I certainly blanked out on that name for a moment!
And it's such a nice name, too.
A rare moment of forgetfulness for me! I'm sure it won't happen again...
Now, from what I recall, this new employee happens to be... [gender].
But am I certain he's a boy/she's a girl?
Yes, yes! He is a boy/She is a girl, of course.
Now, if only I could remember what he/she looks like... [char creation].
Of course! This is what he/she looks like, yes?
Ah! I remember him/her perfectly now. There's no forgetting a person like [name]!
Ah, good morning, [name]!
Welcome to Nook's Homes.
Come in. Allow me to introduce you to everyone, yes, yes!
Everyone, this is [name].
Starting today, he/she will be working with us here at Nook's Homes!
Perhaps I should give you a quick introduction to each of your new colleagues, hm?
This fellow here is Lyle.
Bang! Nice to meet ya, [name].
Lyle is something of a veteran in the office. He's been here almost as long as I have.
In fact, he's so good at what he does, even I don't quite understand what he's doing most of the time.
Ha ha! I'm kidding! Of course I know how everything works!
Now then, next is our dog about town, Digby.
Nice to meet you!
My name's Digby!
It's a real pleasure to have you working here with us, [name].
I hope we'll get a chance to work together on a project really soon.
Digby is certainly one of our most enthusiastic employees, as you may have gathered.
Finally, let me introduce Lottie.
AHEM! Lottie?
Yes? Oh! Hi there!
Lottie is an exceptional employee and a consummate professional. She's also an expert in home design!
Lottie will be handling your training as well, so pay attention and follow her advice.
As you all know, I'm a very busy raccoon, so that wraps up today's meeting.
Lottie, he/she is all yours!
Good-bye, my obedient employees!
(Busy, busy, oh so busy...)
That boss of ours! He likes to complain about his busy schedule...
even though we all know he's just rushing off to make his tee time. Ha!
Well, enough about golf.
Let's get you settled in! We're all so glad you joined the company, [name].
[explains the basics of interior design]
But before we get started, you should take this!
[hands you the uniform]
There's a changing room upstairs, so head on up and change into your official uniform, [name].
[after changing into the uniform]
A perfect fit!
Mr. Nook likes to see his employees wear the company uniform, so make sure you wear it tomorrow too!
[You proceed to design Lottie's room]
I'll be sure to let the boss know you passed your training with flying colors.
You should sit down at your desk and write your daily report!
We've got to write a report each and every day, so don't forget.
Mr. Nook likes to read 'em!
Welcome back, tiger!
Another great job today. Thanks for that!
Speaking of great things... I got a call from the boss!
Mr. Nook will be here tomorrow to greet clients.
You haven't seen him since your first day!
He's looking forward to rubbing elbows with you again.
Good timing, tiger! The boss is here with an important client.
Why don't you introduce yourself, [name]!
Or go say hi, at least!
Greetings, [name].
With your arrival, that means everyone is here, yes, yes!
This is Isabelle from the town hall.
She is supporting our company's new town development procedures.
Isabelle, this is our newest employee, [name].
While he/she is relatively new to the designing game, he/she will not disappoint you, no, no.
Pleased to meet you, [name]!
I'm Isabelle!
Lottie, Mr. Nook, and my brother, Digby, have told me so many great things about you.
Truth be told, while I'm listed as your support on these projects, I'll probably need YOUR support more.
Anyway, since the town hall has opened funds for a new facility, I wanted to let Nook's Homes know.
Aha! This is wonderful news! This means we can start on the project right away, yes, yes!
Thank you for letting us know, Isabelle.
Oh, no, I should be thanking you, since it'll be your team doing all the hardest work.
In any case, I thought I'd pass that brief update along. I'll have more to share tomorrow morning.
OK, I'd better get going. See you all in the morning!
Yes, yes! Perfect!
An, incidentally, I will not be in the office tomorrow.
I have important meetings all day.
Yes, yes, very important indeed.
But we'll make sure everything gets taken care of, won't we?
Now then, I take it you'll have no problem helping in the morning, hm, [name]?
> Leave it to me!
Yes, yes! A promising response indeed!
Be sure to remain on your best and most professional behavior when you meet with Isabelle tomorrow.
And with that, it's time for me to head home for the day.
It's been a full workday, yes, yes?
Keep up that positive energy, and bring in some clients!
Until I see you again! Good-bye!
No mercy, huh?
Mr. Nook is a tough boss but a fair one.
His employees are very important to him. He'd never give them a job they couldn't handle!
Of course, if he gives you a big job, he expects you to get it done - and get it done well.
But before any of that happens, you should head outside to drum up some new business.
Remember what the boss said - Isabelle's coming by tomorrow to talk about building that facility.
I've got a good feeling about that one, I'll tell you. You should rest up in preparation for the big day!
Oh! I almost forgot.
Mr. Nook called earlier and said he wanted to see you tomorrow morning.
I didn't ask what he wanted to see you about, but he sounded happy on the phone.
That's a good sign!
Since you’re here I’m getting the feeling he is coming to the office way more.
Hey, there you are!
Glad you're here at last, [name]!
The boss ACTUALLY came in today. I think he wanted to talk to you about something.
Yes, yes, good morning!
I wanted to tell you how impressed I was with your work on the school.
Very good work, [name].
Your ability to handle a project of that magnitude has made me decide to give you more responsibility.
Starting today, I'd like to officially make you the project leader of town development!
> I won't let you down!
That's the sort of attitude I like to see, yes, yes!
With this, you are now free to work on any new facility you choose.
Quite a step up, hm?
Ah yes, that reminds me!
Isabelle should be arriving tomorrow with details about new facilities the town needs.
But before you see her tomorrow, I wish to present you with a little gift today, yes, yes!
I've placed it on your desk, so be sure to look it over at your leisure.
It's a copy of the Happy Home Handbook, a set of lessons designed to help you improve your skills.
You may find it rather enlightening regarding decorating tips or other such things related to your job.
Ordinarily, you would have to pay for each lesson with your hard-earned Play Coins, but...
well, because I'm so generous, I have offered you this first lesson for free.
Yes, yes, I am too kind.
Now then, I should get back to my own work.
(Those links aren't going to hit themselves...)
Good-bye for now, [name].
And good luck!
I bet he's off to play another round of golf.
I guess that's one of the perks of being the boss!
There was one more thing I wanted to mention... Oh, that's right!
The Happy Home Handbook!
I've been studying the handbook in my spare time, and the lessons are really helpful.
Lots of good tips!
Make sure you take advantage of the free lesson Mr. Nook is offering!
Don't forget what the boss said - Isabelle is coming tomorrow to talk about the public works project.
You're pretty much in charge of developing these projects for our new town, so be ready!
Now, I'd like to ask company president Tom Nook to say a few words.
Yes, yes, thank you, Isabelle, and thank you, [name]!
Because of you, and of course the combined efforts of all my employees, this town is a success!
While town development may be settling down, Nook's Homes is still on the rise!
I expect everyone else is of the same mind, so I look forward to the future.
Thank you for that wonderful speech, Mr. Nook!
Building a home for Nook himself:
Hello, yes, yes, this is Tom Nook.
What can I do for you? A home appointment, hm? ...Interesting.
I suppose I could slot you in for a home appointment today.
What sort of home were you looking for?
Oh! Gracious! You mean for me?
Why, no one has ever asked to help me with my home before, no, no!
I would be delighted to have you serve me.
I'll be right down to the Nook's Homes office to talk more.
If I'm not mistaken, you are [name].
I am Tom Nook, the owner of Nook's Homes.
I'm aware you already know this, but formalities must be upheld!
Now on to the dire business regarding my home.
I have something for you to do, or rather, to undo.
I need a brand new house. Heh, imagine that...
Client's vision [Tom Nook]:
I'll leave it up to you!
Would you be interested in taking on this project, hm?
> Leave it to me!
Ah, you will truly help me? This is wonderful news!
I am fast learning how dependable you are, yes, yes.
Good luck on your task, [name].
I look forward to the results.
All right, Mr. Nook.
It’s time to start planning your new home.
[name], please pick a location that would be perfect for our boss.
No pressure.
(after picking a good spot)
Great! All we have to do now is design and decorate the house!
[name], please take our esteemed boss to the site of his new home.
Ah, so this is where you've decided to place my home?
Hm... I like it, yes, yes! Carry on!
Have you finished, hm?
> Yes, yes!
Splendid! Splendid indeed!
Shall we have a look around?
I deem this job complete, hm?
Good work, [name]. You've done well today, yes, yes.
'Would you like to connect with Tom Nook?'
> Yes!
Hello? Yes, yes, this is Nook.
Yes, yes, hello, [name]!
Did you need something from me?
> Deluxe remodel.
> New House.
> Just saying hi!
[When you chose "Deluxe remodel."]
The thought of a deluxe remodel had not occured to me, but you are right as always, yes, yes!
I shall be right over so we may discuss the details, hm?
Yes, yes, you should start on the deluxe remodel immediately.
Are you OK working alone on this?
> Leave it to me!
Thank you, [name]. I knew I could trust you with this.
What could you be pondering for this home, hm?
I'd compare notes, but I trust you know what to do.
You've done a masterful job, hm?
Very welcome news, yes, yes!
I am forever indebted to Mr. Nook, so I would be happy to meet with you. Soon, soon!
Tommy and I have worked hard all our lives. Such toil! We deserve a new house.
Oh! You're calling from Nook's Homes, are you?
I suppose that's... good.
Did Tom need to speak with me?
Of course he didn't.
You must be calling about home renovation, right?
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to come in and talk to you. Our place could definitely use some help.
I've got my claws full of work, but I suppose I'll set that aside for the moment and come in now.
You have a lovely office here.
I'd like to surprise my sisters with a little home renovation. They'd never expect it from me!
Mable and Labelle and I would all benefit from a fresh start. What's better for that than a new house?
Phew! I was afraid you were going to say no. Thanks for not saying no, [name].
Howdy, friend! You've got Crazy Redd on the line, famous for his CRAZY deals!
What can I do ya for? What's that? A home appointment? Nah, I'm not pulling that scam until AT LEAST next Tuesday...
Wait! You mean this is about MY home? Ol' Redd wasn't expectin' that!
OK, let's talk in person. Where are you? Nook's Homes?
...Fine, I'll be there. See ya, cousin!
So this is where that raccoon keeps his investments. Heh, I've seen better...
Sorry, cousin! Just takin' it all in!
(on site)
Hey now! This plot is mighty swell!
Bet this place'll be better than that pesky raccoon's sad house...