„I know that I look like the very embodiment of a successful businessman…
In my youth, however, I had my share of terrible mistakes, you know!
[select Really?]
Yes, yes, that was a rough time for me…
Accidents and mistakes are difficult to get over, hm?
Yes, I lost more than just money. I lost a friend…
Worst of all, my passion faded, and that is a thing no man can live without.
…Listen up, [name]. "Easy" moneymaking schemes are NEVER easy, hm?
If such a deal should present itself to you, I’d advise a quick retreat!”
“My point is, [name]… This town is laid-back and easy to live in.
Life in the city is completely different… It’s a scary place, yes?
It’s a place where, unless you have money, no one will give you the time of
It’s just as they say, hm? A concrete jungle!
[select Really?]
Yes, yes, really. Assuredly! Take the big-city banks, for example…
They will deny a young man a loan, though they know nothing of his character!
But I’m smarter now, yes? I know that you must take the branch manager out!
You must woo his financial instincts if you are to get him on your side, hm?
Yes, yes, sadly, I lacked that knowledge when I was a young, naive raccoon.
In fact, I got so upset that I went on a tirade to end all tirades, hm?
And the rest is history. Yes, yes, sad history…
Back then, I was so very ignorant, hm?
But such is the price of the passion of youth…“
“I told you about how, in my youth, I made that mistake in the city, yes?
Well, I tell you such things so you don’t have to go through the same trials.
If you’re going into business, be sure to do a little of everything, hm?
[select Why?]
Well, I’ll tell you! That way, you’re diversified and risk less, yes?
Having a wider focus has a downside, of course…
Yes, yes, you’ve got a lot more to keep track of, hm?
But imagine the alternative! When you’re banking on one thing and it goes
You lose everything, hm? A fate worse than death!
[select Oh, I get it.]
Do you truly, [name]? Well, then, here’s what you must do…
Expand your business only as far as you yourself can keep track of, yes?
Trust no one! In this area, you can’t hire someone to manage for you.
The city is very scary, hm? Say you have someone you trust. Why, they might…
They might be waiting for you to turn your back so they can take your assets!
So, remember my words, hm? Expand your field only as far as you can manage…
Though it sounds easy, it’s not! And it’s the crux of good business!”
„I wonder, [name]… Do you know…
…the number-one reason friends become enemies?
[select No, what?]
Well… It all starts with a small loan between pals.
No matter how much you trust someone…
…you should never let a friend borrow money, hm?
Unless you’re willing to loan it to them assuming you’ll never get it back,
if a friend approaches you asking for help, you must be firm and say no!
[select All right, fine!]
It sounds callous, but no! The longer you live, the more you’ll understand…
Even the most solid friendships become fragile when money is involved, hm?
This is something that I learned firsthand when I was young. It’s the truth!“
„…Well, actually, I was just thinking about the good old days, hm?
I know it seems that the world is my oyster, what with my fine shop…
But in my childhood, I lived the kind of life you couldn’t even imagine!
[select Really?]
Yes, yes, but this was all some time ago, before I moved to this town, hm?
Of course, I was born in our lovely [town], but I moved away for a time…
Yes, yes, the city years, I like to call them. I was a raccoon of action, hm?
The big city certainly had its charms…but it had its pitfalls, as well.
Indeed, I had to endure certain hardships that I’ve never spoken of, hm?
…Hard to believe, yes?
You’re probably asking yourself, what the heck is Nook talking about, hm?
For now, [name], maybe it’s best that we forget we ever talked about this.“
„The other day, after I told you a little about my past, young [name]…
I started thinking more and more about the days of my youth, hm?
[select Nostalgic?]
…Actually, I think you hit the nail on the head! Yes, yes, right on it!
I don’t know what’s come over me. I’m a businessman first and foremost…
I shouldn’t let my mind wander while working, hm?
Work is work, and Bells are Bells… And the world can be a cold, cruel place!
[select Don’t say that!]
Oh, an optimist, hm?
Well, well, [time]… I expected you to be more cynical than that, hm?
Tell me, have you ever in your life joined the work force?
It’s brutal! The working world is a tough place… Definitely dog eat dog,
Let your guard down, and before you know it, the Man’s got you pinned!
No matter how grand your dreams are or how lofty your goals become…
In the end, in this world, money is everything, hm?
…Dreams alone aren’t enough to make your belly full, no!“
„[name], I’d like to apologize for acting so self-important days ago…
I think I may have eaten something that disagreed with me, yes?
[select Not to worry!]
…Yes, yes, [name]…
I already mentioned to you that I’d spent some of my youth in the city, yes?
To be honest, there’s a bitter memory that I have of that time…
I haven’t quite come to terms with it, you see… May I tell you about it?
[select Sure.]
Yes, yes, thanks much! You see, I had visions of success in the big city…
Such visions led me from [town] and into the cold arms of the city.
Soon after I arrived, I discovered metropolitan life to be difficult…
I was most unprepared, yes? And soon, it was one error after another for me…
Yes, yes, I lost everything I gathered my few meager possessions and slunk home.
Yes, city life was rough… Savage and wild…
But all was not dire, hm? Because I experienced the despair of rock-bottom…
I was able to push myself to become the success that I am now, yes?“
„…Yes, yes, well…
I told you about how I lost my dream in the cold heart of the big city, yes?
Well, I should admit that in point of fact, that dream still exists…
[select Really?]
Yes, yes, it lives on, but I know better now…
You can’t live off of dreams alone, hm?
In the end, what really matters is money…
I know it’s depressing, but it’s the truth.
[select Uh…]
Oh, I’m so very sorry! I started getting carried away, there, hm?
I should know that a youth like you doesn’t want to hear about MY youth…
Yes, yes, I’m not going to talk about it anymore!
If you would, do me a personal favor and forget I ever said anything, hm?“
visiting his vacation home in Happy Home Paradise:
This is Tom Nook's vacation home.
Hello, good day! Is there anything I can do for you?
> How are you?
A long time ago, there's just been me and my little shop.
And back in the day, I didn't have much.
Nothing, to be exact.
Apart from ambition, the will to work, and a neatly ironed apron.
One time, autumn was so hard that I caught a terrible cold and couldn't work.
And that's precisely when I realized something incredibly important...
There are no riches to make if you are not healthy.
Yes, yes. Take good care of yourself, [name]! It's is so very essential.
No matter how much you are friends with your work, a small break makes it better.
And breaks are for free here! Yes, yes, here!
I'm always happy when you stop by.
I like to walk a few steps outside to be alone with my thoughts.
It's astonishing how many good ideas that brings!
This house truly is a blessing to me.
Like so many things since I know you!