Rebuilding your house:
(This is the Gamecube version of this dialogue but it’s pretty much the same in every game, only the roof colors vary)
“Thank you, (your name)! Thanks much!
I very much appreciate you paying off your house in such a timely manner!
You’re a dynamo, yes?
I knew you’d pay it all back, (your name)! Never doubted!
You’re quite responsible for someone your age!
Is this your way of telling me your house is too small?
Don’t be shy! It’s normal to want a bigger home, hm?
It’s just animal nature!
Well, if you like, I can remodel it for you nicely.
I can easily make it bigger…
Then, you’ll be able to fit a lot more furniture in it!
And with more furniture comes more happiness!
So, how about it, hm?
Would you like me to remodel your house?”
>> No, thanks…
“That’s what I imagined. If anybody would want to remodel their house, it would be you, (your name)!
So, since we’re remodeling, what color roof would you like your new house to have, hm?
(Red, Orange, Yellow, Pale Green, Green Sky Blue, Blue, Purple, Pink, Black, White, Brown) – in other games the colors vary this goes for the Gamecube version
Uh-oh! This is unfortunate.
You didn’t find anything at all that pleased you?
But those are the only colors I have available.
You must choose one of them.
My paws are tied here.
I’ll list them off once again.”
“I see, I see. Yes.
(color) is a fine color.
Very good, then.
Well, I should be finished with the task tomorrow!
I’ll bet you can’t wait!”
Rebuilding is completed:
“Welcome! Do come in!
Your smiling face is like a treasure in the discount rack of my day!
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, your house is finished!
How do you like it?
Are you pleased with the work, hm?
You’ll soon learn to love all that extra space, I assure you!
Now there’s plenty of room for furniture!
Now then, I always hate this part…but we need to settle the matter of the cost of your remodeling…
Building expenses are costly right now, I’m afraid…
…The bill came to (for example) 398,000 Bells!
What can I say?
Houses don’t expand on their own!
Of course, there’s no need to pay me right this moment.
Just continue to pay it off through the post office, like before.
And remember…I treasure your business!”
Loan paid off (Gamecube):
“My good gracious. (Your Name)!!!
Truly amazing, that’s no lie!
Paying off ALL the the money you owed on your house!
I salute you!
But, as I told you before,
I can’t build you a house bigger than the one you’ve got now. Flat out impossible!
This is odd for me…but I feel slightly guilty taking all the money you owed me without anything in return…
…Ooh! I’ve got it!
I have a terrific idea!
The perfect thank-you gift!
I’ll let everyone in town know just how honest and diligent you are, (your name)!
I shall build a monument to you, (your name)!
I’ll put it in front of the train station!
Yes, yes!
That’s what I’ll do!
Nook, you may well be the first raccoon humanitarian!
Just you wait, (your name)!
Wait’ll you see it!”
[It’s a golden statue portraying the player]
“This statue was erected in honor of (your name)’s full loan repayment!
(and silver for the next character, then bronze, then jade)
Wild World:
“Thanks! Thanks much, (your name)!
Finally, at long last, you’ve paid off all that debt!
Thanks so much! Yes, yes!
Unfortunately, I can’t get permits for a bigger house than you currently have!
So, if you’re at a loss as to what to do with all your bags of money…
Just open a savings account at the town hall.
You know the place, I imagine, yes?
You may still be young, but you need to save up for later in life, (your name)!
It’s never too early to start saving for retirement. No, indeed!
After all, there’s no social security in (town name)!
So, now just deposit your money at the town hall, instead of making payments.
But you can always make payments on products at the shop! Ho ho ho ho ho!
Now that you’ve got no debt, you can buy anything you like!
And I’ll be happy to sell it to you, hm?”
City Folk:
“Yes, yes, greetings to my friend, (your name)!
Thanks much for paying off your renovation loan in full!
Now, to celebrate your newly expanded home and the timely repayment of your loan…
I’m going to give you a wonderful flag, that will make you the envy of all that see it, hm?
It’ll be ready tomorrow, so be prepared to be stunned by what’s in front of your house in the morning!
An, and while we’re chatting, I should tell you that I can’t make your house any larger than it is.
So from now on, if you don’t know what to do with your money…
Try saving it, hm?
Yes, you’re still young and energetic, (your name).
But it’s never too early to start saving for your retirement, hm?
There’s no social security in (town name), hm? Ho ho!
Of course, you could start contributing to the (town name) Fund at the town hall, hm?
Or you could buy a few luxury items for yourself at my shop, yes?
Treat yourself right, hm?
Just make sure you don’t spend all that hard-earned money in one place!”
New Leaf:
Since you just got here, you don't have a place to live yet, right?
You should go to Nook's Homes on Main Street. Tom Nook will find
a house for you.
You don't know where you're going
to live yet, do you?
Nook's Homes on Main Street...
They can get you started!
Huh? You haven't figured out where you're living yet, is that right?
Well, hurry up and head to Nook's Homes already.
It's just past the station. Can't miss it!
You been to Nook's Homes on Main Street yet?
You need to find a place to live, and that's the place to go.
Have you found a place to live yet? If not, visit Nook's Homes in the shopping district.
They can help!
You haven't found yourself a place to live yet, have you?
Oh, I can tell. You have that look in your eyes that says one thing:
"Where am I going to sleep?"
Well, trust me. Head across the tracks to our Main Street and
go to Nook's Homes.
Have you been to Main Street yet,[name]?
Timmy and Tommy's store sells a variety of things, ranging from useful tools to furniture.
And for all your housing needs, including real estate and exterior, there's Nook's Homes.
That's run by Tom Nook, just to
let you know. Then for all your clothing needs, like buying or designing clothes and
stuff like that: the Able Sisters tailor shop!
It's really great for fashionistas like yours truly.
Oh, and Labelle at the accessory shop is so mysterious and helpful,
not to mention beautiful...
Huh? What were we talking about?
Oh, well... Ah! Right!
There's also Blathers' museum for bugs, fish, art, and even
fossils. It's the whole package!
Basically, Main Street is great, so
you'll never be bored!
First thing I thought of when I saw
what [name] was living in was... "Tents nowadays are huge!"
Or is it just that Nook's tents are top notch?
You're all settled in now, aren't you, [name]?
Well, now comes the real question.
How do you want to decorate?
Because whether you're in a tent or a mansion, you have options.
Go see Timmy and Tommy on Main Street for all kinds of furniture and
other knickknacks.
And if you want to upgrade the look of your home — or make it bigger — Nook's Homes is the place to visit.
Player that has moved from another town:
[name], you haven't decided where to build your house yet, have
If that's the case, we have to find a plot of land right away!
I'm sorry I made you come all this way just to send you back out
On the other side of the tracks over
on Main Street, there's a real-estate office.
It's called Nook's Homes.
You really can't miss it once you get to Main Street!
Nook's Homes is located in the shopping district on the other side
of the train tracks.
It was like that in your previous town, wasn't it?
Thanks for waiting! We've relocated it! Inside and out, it's just as it was
before your stressful move.
That reminds me! I'll make sure that Happy Home Academy has been
updated with your new address.
Yes, I must head back to my shop,
so I'll say my good-byes for now.
[name], you'll be heading back to the town hall after this, hm?
Now that you have a place to live,
you must take care of your resident
registration with Isabelle, oh, yes, yes!
Well then, thank you for using Nook's Homes for all your housing
needs! I do so appreciate it!
“Oh no! This is bad!
I can’t believe I completely forgot something so vitally important!
In order to register you as a town resident, we need your address for the form!
…(your name), do you have a place to live yet?
There aren’t any vacant houses here…but you can build one!
We really should have you decide where you’re going to live before we proceed!
And here I made you come all the way to the town hall for nothing.
I apologize for being so flaky!
Um, on the other side of the tracks, on Main Street, is Nook’s Homes, the real-estate office…
(shows it to you on the map)
Some fresh air and exercise would do you good.
A trip to Main Street may be just what we both need!
It’ll give me a chance to stay here and continue with your registration and you need to find Nook’s Homes.
Once you’ve got a place to live, please come back here and let me know right away!”
“Ah, hello! Welcome! Welcome!
You must be the new mayor, am I right?
Isabelle at the town hall told me to expect you!
On behalf of the (town name) chamber of commerce, I’m pleased to welcome you!
So, (your name)… You’re here today because you want to build a house, yes?
Very good! Very good! I can build one just about anywhere you want, yes, I can indeed!
So have you decided on where you want to live?
Then this won’t take long at all! *laughs*
Just take me where you want to build your new home, (your name)!”
“Please wait!”
“Yes, yes. There’s plenty of space to build a house here!
(comments on something that is nearby for example the river, beach, etc.)
For example:
“And there’s a river nearby. If you like fishing or being in nature, it’s the perfect spot!”
We’ll need to move trees, flowers and any buried items in order to start building.
But if you’re OK with that, we can start right away!
Hold on a moment. Let’s see…
It will look something like this…
(magically shows you the house xD)
So? Does this location suit your needs? Hm?
OK! It’s decided then!
It will take a bit of time to build your house, so for today, let’s reserve the space for you…
There we go! Yes, yes! Wonderful!
Ta-da! And with that, this space is officially yours, (your name)!
Umm, including the cost of the land, materials, building costs, et cetera…
Well, the calculation is complicated, so I can’t come up with it just now.
I’ll tell you the total later.
Anyway, I’m sure you’re very busy, since you just moved here…
Once you’ve taken care of other things, stop by my store again to get the bill, hm?
…Ah, but I suppose you still need a place to rest your head, right?
Give me just a moment…”
I’ll let you borrow this tent so you have somewhere to sleep!
I’ve also put up a mailbox, so you can even start receiving mail!
(It’s a little shabby looking, though…)
I bet you rarely see a tent with a mailbox, right? Oh ho ho ho ho!
Well, I’ll be returning to my shop, so let’s part ways here.
(your name), you need to head back to the town hall, hm?
Now that you know where you’ll be living, you have to get registered as a resident, so talk to Isabelle.
In the meantime, I’ll work out the numbers. Come by my shop again later.
Thanks for your business! I do appreciate it, yes, yes!”
“Welcome, welcome!
Oh! (your name), yes, yes, welcome!
Have you finished everything you needed to do to move in?
I have, of course, completed running the numbers on your home loan, (your name), yes, yes.
Now let us discuss the cost…
You know, (your name), we can’t build you a house unless you have all necessary costs covered, hm?
So the down payment is nothing more than a paltry 10.000 Bells.
[I can’t afford that.]
No,no?! That’s fine! You’re fine!
You needn’t worry about giving me a single Bell at this point in time!
I’m quite a generous raccoon!
My heart is about the size of a four-bedroom, two-bath duplex, hm?
That being said…I do need your down payment before any work can be done on your home. OK?
But do not worry! No, no!
This town is rich in crops and other resources.
You’ll find it easy to earn money!
You can collect fruit and seashells and take them to the recycling shop to earn quick cash, yes?
Once you’ve saved a bit, buying a net or fishing rod at the store is a good idea as well. It is indeed!
You can use such tools to go forth and catch insects and fish to sell, too. An easy path to riches, hm?
Much faster than searching for low-paying, part-time employment, yes? Oh yes, yes!
So come and see me right away when you’ve saved up 10.000 Bells.
Good luck, good luck!”
“You brought the money? Let’s have a look, hm?
Yes! Yes! Exactly 10.000 Bells!
That does make me rather happy.
Very good, very good!
The money makes everything official, and work on your house can begin at once.
You can also choose the color of your newly built home’s roof. So what color will it be, hm? (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green)
Yes, yes! Got it! I will make sure your house is ready to go by tomorrow morning.
What else…to tell you…Oh, yes, yes, of course!
I must tell you all about home remodeling!
Once your house is finished, I can help you update the exterior!
The exterior of your home consists of the things on the outside, such as your roof, door, and fence.
Every day I will display new samples here to look through, so you should come when you’ve grown curious.
Well, for the moment you must be looking forward to tomorrow, yes? Thanks much!”
“(Your name), your house will be all finished in the morning. This is so thrilling, yes?”
[name], your addition will be completed in the morning!
I daresay you may have trouble sleeping, hm?
[name], construction will be completed in the morning!
I can hardly wait to see it myself, hm?
“Welcome, welcome!
Oh my goodness! It’s (your name).
So good to see you, hm?
Your home has now been built, yes?
What do you think?
Your house is now the stuff of dreams, hm?
And now the numbers…I deducted your down payment, leaving a grand total of…
39.800 Bells.
That’s the total amount of your paltry little loan.
A mere trifle, really, yes?
Hm? Oh, no, you don’t pay me directly.
Please make all of your payments at the post office ABD.
And there’s no set schedule, either.
Pay the loan off at your own pace or whenever you’re able, hm?
Yes, yes, one more thing…
We do require that all homeowners become members of the Happy Home Academy, hm?
They’ll just stop by from time to time and give your home an in-depth inspection. Very good to get one.
The inspection is a comprehensive look at your room and furniture layout, your hygiene level, et cetera.
If you’re given high marks, you might even receive a wonderfully elegant commemorative prize!
They’ll schedule the inspection, so there’s nothing for you to worry about. No worries at all, hm?
What else…Members, you see, also gain access to the HH Showcase behind the shopping district.
Once you’ve received a letter than confirms your membership, you may visit the showcase at any time!
Very good. Please do come see me if you wish to discuss further renovations, hm?”
Oh! [name], yes, yes, welcome!
Have you finished everything you
needed to do to move in?
So you would like [item], hm?
> Yes, yes!
> Hold it!
Then I shall ask again, and you
shall pick the roof color that
sounds good to you, yes, yes!
final loan paid:
“Oh my goodness!
It’s (your name).
So good to see you, hm?
Thank you much! You’ve paid your home-renovation loan in full, which is no small feat, yes, yes!
And you did it so fast…That can only mean you’re a financial wizard!
Such a magnificent home and zero debt!
Your life in (town name) will surely be stress free, (your name)!
I cannot overstate how incredible this accomplishment is!
Truly, it is something remarkable, yes, yes!
In fact, I believe you deserve a reward of sorts.
No, no, no such discounts from me, but, hm…
Yes! An old song from the Nook family lineage, sung in times of great success to strengthen hearts!
FST! FST! RrrrrrrrrrrrKLAGH!
Oh, well, it is very old and in the language of my ancestors, which happens to be Raccoonish, yes, yes.” [blushes]
Anyway, your home may be at a state of basic completion, but it is far from being done, hm?
I do hope you'll continue to improve your home's interior and exterior, yes, yes! I do!
If you're in need of advice, please let Lyle or me know, yes? We'll be
quite glad to help you out.
In fact, be sure to speak with Lyle right away, as I'm sure he'll want to
congratulate you as well.
Yes, yes! Your continued patronage of Nook's Homes is very much
appreciated. Do come again!
Welcome, welcome!
Oh my goodness! It's [name]!
So good to see you, hm?
Construction is now complete, yes?
Very good. Let me know if you need anything else, hm?
Thanks much for paying your home loan in full!
Very good, yes, yes!
I always had faith that you would fulfill the terms of our little agreement.
Now then, does your home not seem a teensy bit on the wee side?
Yes, yes, I have to say, I do feel a slightly larger home would suit you much better, hm?
More room for furniture delights!
And for gratuitous swinging of elbows too.
If you're interested, please let me know at any time, hm?
Thanks much for paying off all of your home-renovation loan!
Yes, yes, thanks much, indeed!
Perhaps you paid it off because you're dissatisfied with your space limitations, hm?
No need to worry! No need at all.
I can assist with the enlarging of your house!
Let's chat about the details when you've got some time on your busy hands, hm?
My, you've done it!
You home-renovation loan has been paid in full!
Thanks much! Yes, yes!
And your reason for taking care of your financial obligation is that your home is not big enough, hm?
Yes, yes, I understand completely. I can help you build the home of your very large dreams!
When you wish to discuss the details further, please come find me!
Yes, yes, yes!
You've paid off every bit of your home-renovation loan!
I'm quite conservative in matters of finance, but I knew you'd take care
of this, [name]!
My faith was such that I drew up plans for more additions after you added a second floor, [name]!
I'm confident you'll be quite pleased with these plans.
I do hope you'll give them some thought, hm?
Oh, happy day!
You've paid off all your home-renovation loan!
And your reason for being so very, very diligent is...
No need for words.
I can see it in your eyes, hm?
Yes, I will gladly engage in further renovation discussions.
Come see me anytime! Anytime, indeed!
Yes, yes! How may I help you?
> Down payment!
You've brought the money?
Ah, we Nooks can sense Bells,
yes, yes. Old family secret.
Now let's just..., hm?
But, but, [name]! You do not have enough! Not nearly!
I need the full 10,000-Bell down payment in one lump sum, yes?
Living in a tent cannot be terribly
comfortable, no, no. Wouldn't you
prefer a nice warm house, hm?
> Never mind.
Hm? That so? No problem! When you've got your down payment, please do bring it to me here, yes!
Very good! Though, we can't break
ground on your home until your
down payment is received, hm?
(talking to Nook while visiting other town)
I'm so sorry! I don't have the right permits to work on homes in towns
other than this one.
However, if there are any items here you would like, please let me
know, yes?
I can contact the realtor in your town and request a single item at
a time be made available there too!
Your request will be made available to you right away.
I only have to make a few quick phone calls, hm?
When you arrive home, be sure to visit your realtor before it closes for the day, hm?
Understood. I'll arrange for the item
to be available in your town's real-
estate office when you return home.
Once you arrive, please do stop by
your realtor before they close for
the day, hm?
Hm. [item].
But you do not live in this town, so I cannot accept your order, no.
I can contact the realtor in your town and arrange for the item to be
available there. What do you think?
Yes, [item].
But I can only contact your town about a single item at a time.
I can, however, make a request that this item replace the item we talked
about earlier. What do you think?
> Yes, please!
Very good! I will cancel your prior
request and see to it that this item
is sent to your realtor instead!
> No, thank you.
Very well, I understand. Please do
not hesitate to tell me if there's
anything you wish to request.
(expanding home dialogue)
Yes, yes! You would like to discuss your home, hm?
> I wanna expand!
I am truly very sorry, but until your existing loan is paid in full I can
accept no new renovation requests.
You can pay your loan 24 hours a day at the Bellpoint in the
post office.
Once it's all paid off, come talk to me again, hm?
> Never mind.
Oh, really? If you have any housing questions, do come see me at any
time, hm?
[name]? It is time to make your home bigger, yes, yes.
A loan of [amount] Bells can make this dream a reality.
Ready, hm?
> Let's do it!
> No, thanks.
I've been thinking...
You know, your home would be better if it were just
a bit bigger, yes, yes.
For a piddling [amount] Bells, I can make such a thing happen. Hm?
Well... listen, [name], I believe your home would be oh so cozy if it had a second floor.
A smallish loan of [amount] Bells would be required of course. Hm?
Hmm..., [name], wouldn't your house benefit greatly from an addition of some sort?
In my own expert opinion, I would suggest the following...
What do you think, hm?
Let's see, [name], your home would be improved much with just
a bit more space, yes, yes.
And if you decided to expand, may I suggest...
Hmm... I must say, [name], your
home needs more space or perhaps maybe an extra room, hm?
I could of course help with whatever you'd like to do. What do you think?
> Extra room!
> More space!
> No, thanks.
Yes, yes! So tell me, where do you
want the additional room, hm?
Excellent! So tell me, which room
shall we make larger, hm?
The new room will be added to the
left/right/back side of the first floor, hm?
Yes, yes, a basement is what you want, hm?
You want to widen the basement,
do you, hm?
You want to widen the room on the left/right/back side of the first floor, hm?
You want to widen the room on the
second floor, hm?
Your loan will come to a total of [amount] Bells.
This is perfectly acceptable, yes?
> Let's do it!
> Um, never mind.
Excellent! I will put your order in right away, hm?
The work will be fully completed by tomorrow morning.
I'm so sure you must be very excited, yes, yes!
(exterior design dialogue)
How do you like your current living
arrangements? I'm always here for
exterior-renovation consultation!
I'm terribly sorry, [name], but
your house cannot be made any larger. It's simply not possible.
However, there are changes you can make to the exterior.
I recommend you consider your options, hm?
I'm very sorry, but I do not offer
loans for exterior renovations, hm?
But, [name]! Compared to your previous home loans, the price is
nothing but a drop in the bucket!
Your home has now been updated, has it not?
Yes, yes, I believe that it looks quite different.
I think you will feel like you are living a brand-new life!
(renovations completed dialogues)
Your renovations are complete, yes?
It may be but a small change, but I trust you are pleased, hm?
Your house is much roomier, yes?
I hope you find it adds to your quality of life, my friend! Yes, yes!
Your home is now a magnificent two stories high, hm? With an additional floor, you have
much space to fill, and I'm sure it will bring you joy to fill it, yes, yes!
Your addition is finished, hm?
Oh, [name], my friend, your home is
so much more homey now. Yes, yes!
Did you look around your house?
I daresay you'll not find many that
equal such fine workmanship, hm?
So... it's time for business numbers.
Yes, yes, the trifling cost of your addition comes to [amount] Bells.
Pocket change, really.
No, no! I can't accept your money here!
Please make your payments at the Post Office Bellpoint, hm?
Much thanks in advance, hm?
And, [name], by the way — your house is as large as we can make it.
We cannot build it any larger.
I trust this new information is all perfectly clear, hm? Thanks much!
(purchasing exterior renovations)
That [item] is a special sample used for exterior renovations.
However, [name], as you are preparing to do some construction, you may purchase it afterward.
That [item] is an exclusive sample used for exterior
renovations, yes?
But your house is not yet finished,
[name].You may purchase it
once construction is done, hm?
That [item] is a
sample used for door/roof renovations.
That [item] is a sample used for exterior renovations.
If you make the order, we can then
renovate your house, just like the
model shows! Yes, yes!
By the way, things like the color of
your home's roof or siding will not
be changed in the renovation.
That sort of thing requires more
work, and we're not a charity!
That [item] is an
excellent sample used for exterior
aesthetic changes, hm?
Make your house bigger, [name], and then we can make large-scale
renovations as well! Yes, yes!
That [item] is a sample used when replacing your mailbox, yes?
That [item] is a sample used when doing work on your fence, yes?
That [item] is a sample used for renovating your exterior walls, hm?
That [item] is a sample used for renovating your paving stones, hm?
That [item] is a sample used for exterior renovations, yes?
This is but one way owners of large homes can change their style in just
a snap!
[item]? If memory serves, [name], you
have the same door/roof on your house.
Oh, [item]? If memory serves, [name], your house has the same exterior.
Ah, [item]?
If memory serves, [name], your mailbox is identical to this one.
[item], hm?
If memory serves, [name], you have the same fence at your house.
[item], yes, yes?
If memory serves, [name], your paving stones are identical to these.
The cost is [amount] Bells.
Would you perchance be interested, hm?
> I'll buy!
> No, thanks.
I see...
No worries, no worries.
Still plenty left to look at, hm?
Thanks much! Um...
Hm? But you... you don't have enough
money, no, no! As I said, I do not make loans for
exterior renovations. You clearly
understand this, yes?
Thanks much! I will help make all of the necessary
arrangements, and... everything will be completed tomorrow! Exciting!
Oh, that's right. You were busy with your shopping, were you not?
[name], that happens to be the
same part that you have currently
placed a construction order for!
There is no changing or canceling
construction orders!
No, no! If you want to place another order
for that same part, I am sorry, but
you will have to do it another day!
Ah, the [item]
here will be used in your house
remodel scheduled for tomorrow.
The remodel should be done by
tomorrow morning, so look forward
to it, yes, yes!
(If you decline his offer to expand your home):
Yes, I heard you've repaid all of your home loan.
Very prompt of you, yes!
I knew I could trust you to pay it all off, [name].
But that reminds me...
Isn't your current house just a tad cramped?
We could build you a larger home.
It could hold much more furniture, yes?
So? What do you say?
> Smaller is cozier!
Oh, [name]! Always the joker, hm?
I know a young up-and-comer like you, [name]...
You couldn't possibly be satisfied with a house that small. Not likely!
So, the roof on your new, bigger...
What color should it be?
(choose color)
All right. (Color) it is. I'll mark that on the plans.
Well, I plan to be finished with your rebuild tomorrow!
I bet you can't wait, hm?