About Sable:
„Yeah, so, there's this pair of scissors that my sis has been using forever,
When they got too dull to use, I said she should buy a new pair, but...
It was the weirdest thing! When I did, she completely flipped out on me!
I know it's important to take care of your things, but...that's ridiculous!“
“Well, so, there's this cedar box that my sis keeps all her treasures in, right?
And she's never showed me what was inside that thing. Not even once!
But then, this one time, long ago, I saw the front of what looked like...
an important letter. At least, that's what I THOUGHT it was...“
„It's just...my sis said something to me the other day that weirded me out.
"You're lucky you're still young," she said...
I mean, part of me is like, sure, whatever, I seem like a kid to my sis, but...
There's something about her saying such a thing that... Well, it worries me.“
„Well, lately, at night, my sis has been sitting at the window, staring at the sky.
She says that in winter, a certain constellation becomes visible...
It's kinda weird, the stuff my sis knows a lot about...
You know, constellations and the meanings of flowers, that kinda stuff...“
“Ohh, it's just......
I wonder if anything can be done about what I call my sis's "city-folk
[select What is that?]
I'm not sure when she first started showing signs of it, but it's part of her
When it comes to people who moved here from the city, my sister can be COLD.
It's not like she's blatantly rude to them or anything... It's her eyes...
They're ice.”
„It's just... I just can't BELIEVE the nerve of that Tom Nook!
All he ever thinks about is money, money, money...
[select Ah ha ha ha!]
Hey, what's your prob, [name]? It's not funny! Stop laughing!
That guy is such a total stickler when it comes to paying off your debt...
As soon as the deadline has passed, he starts with the "Time is money, hm?"
And he's such a miser that he won't even spare you a single, measly Bell...
I mean, we're his next-door neighbors here, not a pair of hobos!
And he's well aware of how busy we are, so you'd think he'd cut us some slack!”
“Ugh... I am just SO annoyed with that Tom Nook.
I mean, I thought I understood his obsession with money, but wow!
Who knew that it was this serious?
[select What happened?]
Yeah, well, the other day my older sis and I baked a cake, right?
And we thought it might be nice to take a slice to ole Nook over there.
And Nook... That killjoy. What do you think he said?!
"How much do you expect for this slice of cake, hm?" ...Can you BELIEVE it?!
I was just so disgusted that I didn't know what to say to him!”
“Hey, [name], don't you think ol' Nook has kinda lost sight of his dreams?
[select How come?]
Well, it's like the other day, right? I ran into him in front of his shop.
So we chatted a little bit, you know, just shooting the breeze about whatever.
Then I said something like, "You must be psyched that your shop's doing well!"
...And do you know what that guy said to me?
"Because my shop is as big as it is, I always knew it would do well, hm?
"In this world, those with money will always win in the end, yes?" ...UGH!
I'm no airhead. I know you can't live off of your dreams alone, but...
I know enough to know that money is NOT everything!”
„Well, I guess Tom Nook and my sis kinda have a history together...
[select Really?]
Yeah, they both grew up in this town, so I guess it's not all that strange,
Why do they act so distant all the time, then?
Oh, you think something happened to drive a wedge between the two of them?
I kinda wish my sis would stand up, look ol' Nook in the eye, and...
...just go OFF on him! You know? Just once...“
“Well, it's just......
I lost my dad when I was still very young, so I don't remember his face...
But beyond that, I just do NOT get what the deal is with men in general...
Honestly, they're like a different species...
[select Huh?]
OK, so, here's the deal. You know that get-up that Tom Nook's always sporting?
Well, what do you think is up with that whole deal?
Oh! What do I think? Well, I went to his shop to deliver something and...
I saw ol' Nook standing in front of the mirror with that outfit on, posing...
Honestly, I don't get it... Are all men like that?”
“Well... I was just thinking about something.
About those clothes that Tom Nook always wears...
[select What's up?]
Well, do you think he wears the same clothes every day or what?
And if so, how come they never get dirty?
Don't men usually have a problem with ring-around-the-collar or something?
Oh! Maybe he has a bunch of them and, he changes them every day...
You know, open his closet and POW! Just a bunch of those clothes in there!
Tee hee hee hee! I bet that's it! That would be SO Nook-ish!“
That Tom Nook just makes me FURIOUS sometimes!
[select What happened?]
This one morning, I was tidying up the front of the shop before opening, right?
Anyway, ol' Nook happened to come by...
So when I saw him, I gave him a "Good morning!" You know, being neighborly.
From Nook? Nothing. Zilch. He didn't even look at me! Just walked into the
Ugh! Don't you think neighbors should, you know, act...neighborly?!”