New Horizons - Deserted Island Getaway Package dialogue:
Our fearless leader himself will be giving a presentation, so I'd hate for you to miss it.
(follow Nooklings)
I'll turn it over to you, Mr. Nook.
Our three adventurers are ready to get started!
Most excellent! Yes, yes!
Then let us begin! Ahem...
I welcome you to your very own island!
I am Tom Nook, founder and president of Nook Inc.
Nook Inc., your trusted partner for self-discovery, drawing a line, and new horizons. Yes, yes!
Today is when your brand-new life on this - still a bit vacant - island is about to begin. Adventurous indeed!
But fret not: Nook Inc. will not abandon you here of course, hm?
We will live here together with all of you, and be there for you round the clock.
All this is included in your Deserted Island Getaway package!
But... one thing after the other.
First, each of you will have to find a nice place to live.
An important part, don't you think?
As I am also working as a realtor, I am sure that we will build houses here eventually...
But until we've reached that point, you should start with the most authentic island experience - living in tents!
Get yours off Timmy or Tommy and go find yourselves some cozy spots, hm?
We're all just getting used to this island, so just place your tent anywhere you like.
Oh wait! With the exception of the town square, of course! We do need a public space for everyone to come together, yes, yes!
Are you having troubles finding a nice spot?
Not to worry! Just choose one you're drawn to! Follow your instincts!
Always works for me, yes, yes!
And in case you regret your decision later - we can always have a chat about moving your home to a different location.
This island is just as new to me as it is to you, so I'm afraid I can't really give you a recommendation. And furthermore, there is a small favor I need to ask of you...
Please do not touch the items on the floor and don't shake any trees, no, no!
After all, we have to finish the necessary paperwork first, hm?
> Tom Nook still needs me.
I'll have a look at the tent later.
Ah, [name].
Did you find a comfy little spot for your tent, hm?
You are the first to come back, so I believe the others are still scouting!
Seeing that you've already gotten to know the place a little, I'm sure the others would be more than glad to be advised by you, yes, yes!
Hmm... [Villager] has not yet returned, so I suppose he/she is still looking for the best place for his/her tent. Would you be so kind as to lend him/her a helping hand? I simply can't wait to get to the next step of the process!
Welcome back, everyone!
I hope you've all found the perfect places for your dream homes.
But of course, there is no need to rush, hm?
There is no harm in taking a step back and getting some good night's sleep to really get a feel for how it suits you.
And with that taken care of, we can move on to more serious business...
Namely, a big welcome party in your honor! In proper style with a crackling camp fire right here at the town plaza!
We'll just need a few supplies to get started, yes?
Since we'll all be living here together... this will be a good test of our teamwork!
Let's see...
Timmy, [Villager1], Tommy, and [Villager2] can set up things here in the plaza.
Meanwhile, [name] and I will work on gathering firewood and perhaps a little snack!
Alright, everyone. Let's get to it!
And, [name], would you come see me for a moment?
Ahem! Would you please come talk to me for a second?
It's about the organization of our little island community, hm?
Thanks, [name]!
I just wanted to go over what we'll need for the campfire.
I think roughly... hmmm... 10 tree branches should do the trick.
Yes, yes, That should do!
You can find them scattered about the island.
So, when you find one lying on the ground, just press Y to pick it up!
Simple, is it not?
In the meantime, I'll investigate the [fruit]-like items growing in the trees.
I suspect they're real [fruit], I can smell it!
Having troubles collecting the 10 tree branches?
Are there not enough scattered about?
Oh, hold on! Think about it! What if we just gave the trees a little shake?
Yes, brilliant! Just press A while standing in front of a tree to shake it.
Don't worry if nothing falls down the first time! Just hang in there, wood you?
And you'll succeed!
What kind of tree branches we need? Ah, trust me, a fire isn't as picky as you might think! As long as it's thin and wooden and used to be a part of a tree, I'm quite positive it's a branch...
Hm? You want me to repeat my explanation to you? Gladly! Just press Y to pick up items.
And don't worry if you pluck some weeds by accident. It's a good thing in fact! With every accidental pluck, our island gets more tidy and beautiful!
If you get confused with keeping count of the tree branches, no worries!
Just press X! Pressing the button will help you tree-mendously! It will show you everything you have in your bag.
Ah, welcome back, [name]!
I trust you had some success foraging for tree branches?
Let me re-count them real quick, hm? Oho ho.
That's more than I had asked for!
I will take 10 and leave you the rest.
Then If I may...
Hepp! Thanks much!
Splendid! These will make for a great camp fire.
You made quick work of that, yes, yes!
Your diligence is truly a blessing for this desolate island!
Goodness, how lucky I am to share this place with such a hard worker, oho!
Oh and speaking of it, I was also lucky with our campfire-snack-quest!
While you were collecting branches, I was evaluating the fruit that seems to be abundant here.
They look like [fruit], they smell like [fruit], and they even taste like [fruit].
In fact... my deduction skills tell me that they are 100 percent, without-a-doubt, genuine [fruit]! So, will you collect 6 of them for me?
Now, I'm sure you don't need much guidance here, but just in case...
If you see a tree growing [fruit], you can press A to shake it. Then just pick the fruit up! I'm sure you'll have plenty of [fruit] for us all in no time.
Well, well, what do I see here?
Looks a lot like a satisfactory supply of tasty [fruit]!
I knew it, yes, yes! There is just no-one who could rival your collection-skills! Thanks again!
I'll take the [fruit] of your hands then and get started with the preparations.
Would be an eternal wait, if we expected some catering here, oho ho...
Now, is that everything...
Yes, yes, I believe it is!
Then let's get started with the festivities right away!
At last, allow me to properly welcome you to your new island!
I have participated in many ventures and endeavors over the years, but this may be the most exciting. My, my! Helping develop a thriving new community entirely from scratch will truly test my business acumen. And perhaps my skills as an outdoorsman, hm? Oho!
Now, we may not have the kind of numbers that I originally envisioned...
But that just means we'll have to rise to the challenge, yes, yes!
And I have no doubt that, with hard work and perseverance, we'll shape this deserted island into-
Oh! I suppose calling it a deserted island does not do it justice anymore, hm?
But what SHOULD we call it...
I sense a great opportunity!
As the first residents of this island, we should be the ones to name it.
And, in the spirit of democracy, we should put it to a vote. Majority rules, hm?
So, take a little time to ponder over it, and when everyone is ready, everyone will call out their suggestion, okay?
Alright! Is everyone ready? Happy with your ideas?
Let's try saying the island names all at the same time!
Ready...? GO!
What splendid variety! Yes, yes! Very imaginative!
Each one a potential gem.
Now for the voting. I'll say each name in order, and you can clap for the one you think is best.
[name] seems to have the enthusiasm and the naming sensibilities.
Let's start there...
Sooo, [name] suggested... [island name]!
Oho, look at that! That's a true fan favorite! Everyone is clapping!
I suppose if everyone is in agreement... we could just go with [island name], hm?
Splendid! Then, from now on, this island will be known as [island name].
Well then, [name]...
Since you've proven yourself by naming [island name]...
I'd like to rely on you for other critical decisions we'll need to make on this island.
Yes, yes! I hereby name you the Resident Representative of [island name]!
[name], could you please say a word or two as the new spokesperson for your neighbors?
> Howdy!
> A word or two!
> You can count on me!
So now we've settled on a name for our island and we've selected our Resident Representative. It's been a big day, but it's gotten rather late, so let's have a toast!
Everyone have a beverage in hand? It's fresh juice made from the [fruit] our new Resident Representative harvested on this very island!
Then, without further ado... a toast! To [island name] and the happiness of its residents!
We're supposed to be the experts here, but in truth, we haven't even lived on a deserted island before... We will grant you the best support possible, but at the end of the day it's a big adventure for us as well!
Ah, [name]!
Having a good time, yes?
I know this is all a bit much, so if you feel like taking a short nap in your tent, by all means, go ahead! We'll keep the fire burning.
> Maybe I'll go do that.
Sounds good to me! But first, you'll probably want this...
It's your very own camping cot! Just set it up in your tent, so you don't have to sleep on the ground. Oh, and there are some packages waiting in your tent as well, hm?
Just a few items that might be useful.
To open packages and use the things inside, press A.
And when you're ready, you can move L to crawl into bed.
We've got another big day ahead of us tomorrow - the beginning of your brand-new island life, so rest up as much as you can tonight.
Yes, yes, that's all from me for now. Bed time! Sweet dreams, [name]!
> I'm not tired yet!
Of course. You work hard and you play hard, hm? By all means, carry on!
Just stop by and see me for a quick chat before you turn in. I have something to give you!
I do hope you can make good use of the items inside your tent.
To use a piece of furniture or any other item, simply stand in front of it and press A.
Are you in there?
Oh, I hope I haven't woken you abruptly. Ah, but I do wish to discuss something with you. Yes, yes! I'll be here when you're ready.
Ah, there you are! I hope you had a pleasant nap.
Or, well... I suppose it was a bit more than a nap, wasn't it?
It's a brand-new day!
> I slept that long?!
> Wow. I needed that.
Oh ho ho! Yes, it's quite normal to be worn out from such a long trip - and a major life event! Speaking of which...
I have a few more things that you might find useful as you adjust to life in our little paradise.
First, you'll need one of these, yes?
It's your very own NookPhone!
I had these made especially for island residents.
Ah wait, I want to make sure it's working right, so could you try turning it on for me, hm?
Good, good. Looks like you're getting good reception as well.
OK, feel free to put it away now.
Say, [name], have you ever used a smartphone before?
> Sure have!
> I have one of my own!
Very good! Then this should be a breeze for you.
If truth be told, I think you'll even find it much more useful that the phone you already have.
> Nope, never!
Is that right? Now that's just wonderful! I'd even say you are especially made for the island life!
But that being said, I'm sure you'll find the NookPhone quite useful as soon as you've become familiar with it.
Oh, I have one more thing for you...
It's your itemized bill!
So, this includes everything - airfare, accomodations, labor, tax... and of course your NookPhone, yes, yes!
Bringing your grand total to the modest sum of... 49,800 Bells!
> OK!
> Bells?
> What are Bells?
Oh ho ho! Truly a good one, [name].
Hm? You're being serious?!
Yes, of course... I can't believe I didn't think of this...
Well, Bells are a currency that can be exchanged for goods or services here on [island name].
Ah, but there's still the problem that you don't actually HAVE any...
Oh yes, of course! Well, no need to worry, no, no!
I was prepared for exactly this type of thorny situation!
For the getaway package, you can pay your fees with miles instead of the standard Bells.
I call this extremely helpful service... the Nook Mileage Program!
Well, it's quite extraordinary, if I may say so myself.
The Nook Mileage Program allows you to earn miles by simply living your life here on [island name]!
I daresay, the more you enjoy your island life, the more Nook Miles you can earn.
And you can use them to pay back your move-in fees... and much more!
So, esentially that means that you'd need a total of 49,800 Bells for your move-in fees - if you had to pay them the old-fashioned way.
But since you can make use of my wonderful new service instead... it only comes to a mere 5,000 miles!
I'll just go ahead and register you so that from now on, you can pay in miles!
Also, there are more details available within your NookPhone.
Just open the Nook Miles app!
You'll be happy to find that you've already earned yourself some miles just for traveling to the island and joining the program!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to a few other matters.
But let me heartily congratulate you once again on your arrival!
I'm so happy to have you as a resident of [island name] and a client of Nook Inc.!
If you didn't try your hand at the workbench yet, just go talk to Tom Nook.
Folks say he's offering a FREE workshop at the service center.
Couldn't believe it myself at first...
Oh, did you hear? Tom Nook is offering a free DIY workshop.
He taught me how to build handy tools, just by using the materials scattered all around the island! DIY truly is amazing! The course is free of charge, so go talk to Tom Nook!
In-Game Settings:
Greetings, [name].
This is where I take on important requests related to settings.
The requests I accept here are very serious ones, so children should get help from a parent or guardian.
Now, what settings would you like to talk about today?
[He can delete save data, activate the island backup feature, and you can set up NookLink for the Nintendo Switch Online App.]
Ah, [name]!
Welcome, welcome!
As you can see, it is quite cozy in here.
It's funny how "cozy" doesn't always mean "comfortable", hm?
Let me know if you need advice on how to spend your time on this island... or anything else!
If you need some advice about basic island materials, you should talk to Timmy.
He can help you procure some of the essentials for thriving in our little paradise.
And if you want to earn some Bells, he has a rather generous policy of purchasing just about anything. Not strictly advisable from a business perspective, but definitely generous. Yes, yes!
Oh! One more important thing...
I'm offering a free DIY workshop that can help you really build out your island experience.
I think it would be quite beneficial to you, so I do hope you take me up on it, hm?
Oh! How could I forget, hm?
I should give you a brief explanation about that terminal, yes, yes.
That... is our Nook Stop. It's a terminal for services that will make your island life more simple - and more fun!
At the moment you can use two services, [name].
The first is Nook Shopping.
It's a catalog shopping service for items that can be hard to find on an island.
Second, this terminal serves as an Automatic Bell Dispenser - or ABD - for the Bank of Nook.
We're also working on a service by which you'll be able to redeem Nook Miles for various things...
Please do take advantages of these wonderful services as much as you like!
Quite beneficial, indeed! Yes, yes!
Oh! How silly of me to forget!
I need to give you a brief introduction to that box there.
That is a recycle box for all the island residents to use.
We'll be using it for items removed during construction and other items the villagers do not have a use for anymore.
Yes, yes! If you see anything you like, feel free to take it right on home.
If the box gets full, we'll get rid of the oldest items first, so don't delay in picking out what you want, hm?
Ah, [name] Hello, hello!
How may I help you, what do you need?
I'm all ears!
> What should I do?
Yes, yes... That IS the question...
Ah! Tell you what! You didn't participate in my DIY workshop yet, hm?
This would open up great new possibilites to you and I would even go as far as to say that DIY is an imperative on this island!
And it goes without saying that this workshop is free of charge. No hidden costs! So I can only recommend it to you.
> About my moving fees...
Oh! You'd like to pay your moving fees?
You owe me 5000 miles.
Please do come and see me again, once you've earned some, hm?
However, there's no need to rush, no, no! Enjoy your island life and just collect the miles as you go!
Very well! You owe 5,000 miles.
> I'm ready to pay!
Thank you so much!
Indeed! That is 5,000 miles and not a mile less.
With that, your move-in fees have been paid in full. This is a happy day for both of us, um?
Yes, yes... You're free and clear of debt, living on a thriving scenic island...
What could be better?
Oh! That wasn't actually a rhetorical question!
Let me be more specific.
How IS that tent treating you?
> It's fine, I guess.
Oho! Just "fine"? But consider - doing "fine" on an island that had been completely desolate before is actually quite something, hm?
Together we will turn this inhospitable wastela-... Uhm, I mean, pristine paradise, into a lovely community!
But we may not rest on what we have achieved. Perhaps there is more we can do?
> It could be better.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! Ah, but no one ever said that developing an island paradise would be easy. But we don't do things because they are easy, hm?
We do them because they are profitable!
Well, if you are growing weary of life in a tent...
Yes, yes... I suppose the time is right to discuss the possibility of building custom homes!
Now, there are certain challenges to building fabulous homes in a remote location such as this. Challenges that do translate directly into costs, I'm afraid.
Ah, but with zero-interest financing and an extremely lax repayment plan, anything is possible!
So, [name]...
If you ever find yourself interested in a new home, do come see me.
Oh! One more thing to share...
We have a miles-redemption service for the Nook Miles you've collected.
When you access the Nook Stop, you'll be able to redeem your miles for lots of interesting things.
You'll be sure to check it out sometime soon, hm?
Well then, I hope you continue to enjoy your getaway-package life!
Hold the phone - someone's calling!
Blathers, is that you?
Oho, what splendid timing!
Yes, yes... Do you remember the venture we discussed?
Well, it's come to fruition! Thanks much!
I'm currently helping the residents of an island that we've decided to call [island name]! Oh yes! One of them is helping me to collect samples of the local fauna. They are as abundant as expected. Just as I told you!
Mm-hmm... How many precisely, you ask? Well, there is no way of knowing just yet.
But I have received... let's see...´five outstanding specimens so far!
Mm-hmm... Mm-hmm...
What?! Seriously?!
Well, yes, yes! That would be fantastic!
Oh! But you'll have to excuse me. I'm with a customer right now.
I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. That was my old friend, Blathers, the one who curates a museum. Believe it or not, he's going to come to our island to help us identify and preserve the local creatures!
Ah, but I could use your help with this, [name]...
Since you've been outside scouting and collecting for me so much already,
would you be so kind as to help me find a nice spot for Blathers?
We'll need a good-sized space to really build out a world-class museum... so do keep that in mind. The spot should be around as big as the one for your tent, hm?
How exciting! What a big step for our island. Yes, yes!
Oh, I think I may know something!
My good friend Blathers will be coming to [island name].
Would you please assist me in finding a good spot for him?
As big as the one for your tent, would be quite enough, yes, yes!
Ah, [name]!
I take it you found a suitable spot for Blathers to set up, hm?
> It's perfect!
I can truly always count on you!
Thank you!
I'll let Blathers know that he can move in as soon as he wants.
In any case, you just got here, so I'd hate to see you push yourself too far on day one, hm?
But it's no fur off my nose if you want to rack up those Nook Miles and pay me back quickly!
I've got a few tips for racking up the ol' Nook Miles, so don't hesitate to ask if you need a little advice.
Well... I don't mean to rush you, but there is the small matter of your move-in fees.
Putting in some work to chip away at those is always time well spent, if you ask me!
Of course, if you're looking for an easy way to rack up some miles quickly, a little weeding never hurt.
Weeding makes our island prettier, earns you miles, and you can even sell the weeds when you're done.
That's quite the deal!
Of course, a good way to earn a lot of miles in a hurry is to collect lots of creatures and catch lots of fish.
So, go on - craft a net or fishing rod if you need one and get after them!
At your convenience, naturally.
By the way, thanks much for finding a nice spot for Blathers!
But you're in need of advice, hm?
Well then... now that your move-in fees have been paid...
How about a real home?
Yes, yes! Custom homes would help [island name] grow!
We can talk about the details anytime, yes, yes!
Oh! [name]!
Have you made a decision about home ownership?
Ready to move forward into comfort and luxury?
As fun as living in a tent can be, a house gives you more space and helps you put down roots.
Now, building a house means taking out a new loan in the amount of 98,000 Bells...
So, what do you think? Ready to build your own home sweet home?
> Let me think on it.
Yes, yes! This purchase should be well thought-out.
Just come see me once you've made up your mind, hm?
> It's fine.
It's fine indeed, yes, yes!
I'm happy to see you taking the initiative by exploring your new home.
Yet still, please do not hesitate to ask for help, if you need it. That's what we're here for, hm?
Ah, I see, you've spotted my crafting workbench.
Yes, yes! The DIY workshop!
Each participant will make and keep their own tools and receive a set of DIY recipes.
Quite useful for the island life, hm?
So then, shall I put you down for the next available session?
> I'd love to!
Yes, yes! That's the island spirit!
I happen to be free right this very moment, so let's get started.
Welcome to my little DIY workshop!
Oh, I suppose "workshop" is overselling it a bit, hm?
When you see how simple it is to DIY, or "do it yourself", you'll understand what I mean.
The fundamental idea is to gather materials, follow a recipe, and then craft using a workbench like this one!
Today, we'll be constructing a fishing rod using common materials that you can find anywhere, yes?
For this particular recipe, we require a mere 5 tree branches.
It is, admittedly, a little flimsy...
Now then, come see me once you've collected the materials, hm?
Ah, [name]. Found the necessary materials, hm?
Well then! Let's get started on crafting that fishing rod. Yes, yes!
To begin, just select a project from the workbench and get started. Go ahead - give it a try!
Ah! I see you've collected the tree branches. Just stand in front of the workbench to get started!
Yes! Perfect!
As you can see, crafting is quite straightforward, provided you have the correct recipes, hm?
And that already concludes my free DIY workshop!
Oh! Just one last thing.
I have a few common DIY recipes for you. Free of charge, needless to say!
I'll just send them to your NookPhone. Would you mind opening it up?
Splendid, thank you.
The DIY app is now installed on your NookPhone and ready for you to use anytime.
And the flimsy fishing rod you just crafted is yours to keep!
It may not last... forever... but it should serve you well for a while at least.
A little while...
Speaking of fishing, I am no master angler, but there is one piece of advise I can share with you!
In my experience, you should aim in front of the shadow of a fish when you cast your line. Yes, yes!
I would love to see anything you manage to catch. I've got to say, I'm quite curious about the local fauna.
Well, there are many most interesting creatures to look at on our little island.
Apart from us, I mean...
Yes, yes... equipped with a fishing rod and a net, you can catch all kinds of fish and insects.
I'm looking forward to what you can find. If you catch something, no matter what it is, bring it to me, hm?
> I found a creature!
Oh, that's most excellent! Let's have a look, shall we?
Oh, what a catch! If I'm not mistaken, I do believe this is a/n [fish/insect].
Hm... If this island can support a [fish/insect]...
Why, who knows what other fantastic creatures we might find living here!
[name], I have an idea!
An old friend of mine runs a museum, and I'd love to send it to him for a closer look.
Would that be fine with you?
> I don't know...
Oho! Not sure? Then I'll go ahead and give this back to you, but perhaps you'll rethink this, hm?
I do not wish to irritate you further, but...
It would be for science, yes, yes!
Would you be so kind as to donate the [fish/insect] to us?
I can tell, my friend from the museum would be most fascinated by it!
> OK!
Thanks much! I promise that I'll take exceptional care of your [fish/insect].
Oh! That reminds me...
This is in no way tied to your generous donation just now, but I do have a useful app to present to you!
I sent you the Critterpedia app. It's a terrific resource for an aspiring island researcher such as yourself.
With this one app, you'll get all the important details about the bugs and fish you catch. Yes, yes!
I am certain that you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries - and share them with me too!
Surely, I'll be able to come up with some kind of additional reward, hm?
Oh, you've got more to show me?
I'll be happy to have a look at everything you bring in!
Splendid! What do you have for me this time?
Would you mind if I sent this magnificent creature along to my museum-curating friend as well?
Oh, by the way... Have you been taking advantage of my workbench to keep trying your hand at DYI lately?
> I have!
> Not really...