„I saw Tom Nook in here one time with a lady.
I guess he's not business all the time.“
“I do miss the old Tom Nook, though.
He wore some OUTRAGEOUS outfits, let me tell you!”
(at the Roost with Tom)
Hey, it was really great to hear from you.
Oh, I ran into Tom Nook on the way over and invited him along.
Tom Nook and I go way back,
but we don't get too many chances to talk face-to-face these days.
No matter how long it's been since we talked,
Tom Nook and I always pick up right where we left off.
I guess that's what old friends do.
It's a little strange and a little wonderful, isn't it?
As soon as I heard Tom Nook was on this island,
I made sure to put it on my destination list!
Thanks for giving me an excuse to stop by.
I've heard nothing but great things about [island name]!
Oho! I'm never one to turn down coffee with an old friend.
When I first met Rover, I was only operating a quaint little shop.
It's safe to say that meeting him had a major impact on my decision to expand into the real-estate business.
The two of us are almost complete opposites.
He's always on the road, while I help others put down roots.
But maybe those differences are the very reason we've stayed friends all these years, hm?
Rover is always thinking of me, even while he's off seeing the world.
He used to introduce me to the folks he met on his travels.
In fact, I sold quite a few homes that way! Yes, yes!
Over the years, Rover has sent a lot of home buyers my way, but I've still never sold him one.
Maybe someday!
“Harmony is peace. Peace is unity. Unity is harmony.
I tell this to the Nook man/King Nook. He ask me to leave.”
„When Tom Nook got obsessed with that kind of thing, all of (town name) suffered.
Ohhh…Too many tears. I can’t even see you!”
//If anybody knows if this is from a creepypasta or actually part of the game dialogue, please tell me! :)
Lottie: “All right, Mr. Nook. It’s time to start planning your new home. (your name), please pick a location that would be perfect for our boss. No pressure. (your name), please take our esteemed boss to the site of his new home.” “The boss can be really stern…” “…Oh! Right! The boss called… He wants to meet you tomorrow!” Digby: „Since you’re here I’m getting the feeling he is coming to the office way more.” Lottie: “What? You don’t remember? Please, Mr. Nook, try to keep it together.” “Honestly, Mr. Nook. You really need to keep better track of these things.”
So... how about we play Nook-for-a-Day?
Yeah, you pretend you're one of those cute little Nook kids, and I'll act like I'm in your store!
OK, here goes...
Woohoo! I totally love your [item]. What's your price?
Oh, [amount] Bells? Yay! That's the perfect price. For reals, sell your
[item] to me!
Hey, [name]! What happened to you?
We were walking together, but you suddenly vanished!
Did you spot a loan shark coming for you or something?! GAHAHA!
Wait! Did you really?! Is Nook around here?! I gotta go!
While the plants sleep at midnight...
"One, two..." counts the president of Nook's Homes.
Bells, not plants.
I see a town far away where the residents love the outdoors...
The sight of these people loving tents over homes, troubles the poor
president of Nook's Homes.
Isabelle & Digby (at the Roost):
Mr. Nook always brings me coffee whenever he comes here,
so today I'm going to return the favor!
Digby used to work for one of Mr. Nook's enterprises as well.
What a happy time that was.
Digby (with Melinda):
I used to work for Mr. Nook back in the day.
Maybe I'll go and say hello to him before I mosey on my way.
I get to see both my sister and Mr. Nook whenever I visit this island.
It's always such a pleasure, so I very much hope you'll invite me back again sometime!
Digby (with Tom Nook, Lottie and Lyle):
Whenever things weren't going well at the Happy Home Showcase,
Mr. Nook was always there for us.
He could set things right in no time!
I learned so much by watching him work his magic.
Mr. Nook seems to be flourishing here.
It makes me so happy to see him doing so well!
Lyle places a lot of value in making and keeping connections.
In fact, he's the reason we're having this nice chat right now!
Needless to say, I'm grateful to him.
Isabelle & Digby (at the Roost):
Mr. Nook always brings me coffee whenever he comes here,
so today I'm going to return the favor!
Digby used to work for one of Mr. Nook's enterprises as well.
What a happy time that was.
Digby (with Melinda):
I used to work for Mr. Nook back in the day.
Maybe I'll go and say hello to him before I mosey on my way.
I get to see both my sister and Mr. Nook whenever I visit this island.
It's always such a pleasure, so I very much hope you'll invite me back again sometime!
Digby (with Tom Nook, Lottie and Lyle):
Whenever things weren't going well at the Happy Home Showcase,
Mr. Nook was always there for us.
He could set things right in no time!
I learned so much by watching him work his magic.
Mr. Nook seems to be flourishing here.
It makes me so happy to see him doing so well!
Lyle places a lot of value in making and keeping connections.
In fact, he's the reason we're having this nice chat right now!
Needless to say, I'm grateful to him.
Lottie (at the Roost with Niko and Wardell):
I owe President Nook and Isabelle so much for all they've done, so we wanted to swing by and say hello.
Lottie (with Tom Nook, Lyle and Digby):
Mr. Nook was such a good mentor to me.
I could never repay him for all his wisdom, and he doesn't even charge interest!
The work I did at Nook's Homes is what prepared me to start my own business. I learned so much!
It's so exciting to have my own business, but I'll never forget my friends from Nook's Homes.
This reminds me of break time at Nook's Homes... We all sure loved our coffee!
While I'm here, I ought to do a little research on the latest design
and decor trends on this island. That makes it a business trip!
Timmy & Tommy:
Timmy in the "Welcome amiibo" RV:
The elder raccoon twin, he idolizes Tom Nook and hopes to imitate both his business acumen and manner of speech. And he succeeds at one of them.
Timmy & Tommy: (when visiting the Roost with Tom Nook)
We're tagging along too! ...too!
Tommy: I would think even President Nook would want time to himself.
But he's always inviting us along! ...along!
We know we can't always rely on the president
and will have to make it on our own someday, but...
Sometimes, we also hope that we can work with him forever. ...forever!
The advice that President Nook gives us is always just the thing we need to hear! ...to hear!
President Nook is always treating us to coffee and other treats.
Mostly coffee.
We want to work hard so that someday we can be the ones treating him! ...him!
Timmy: (when visiting without Tom Nook)
I wasn't sure whether to invite President Nook to come along...
He'd probably accept just to be nice, even though he's so busy.
But I'd feel bad about bothering him.
Then again, maybe he would like some coffee? I don't know.
I didn't want to bother him.
In the town where we used to run a shop, President Nook would often bring us coffee while we worked.
That was when I got a taste for Brewster's coffee.
I'm so very happy I get to drink it again!
Our tastes in coffee, and the frantic speed we drink it, are roughly the same.
So frantic, in fact, we will sometimes grab the other's order and have it half-drank before we notice!
We usually get takeout, so it's a nice change of pace to relax in the café!
Meeting up in a place like this to talk business can really give your meeting a nice, casual feeling.
And vibes like that can really get the creative juices flowing!
Even if I drank Brewster's coffee all day, every day, I'd still never get tired of it.
Actually, I'd never get tired, period!
Which means more time to drink his coffee. What a business model...
Maybe I'll get a few cups to go and bring them to President Nook and Isabelle on the way home...
fake rumours:
Don't forget that April 1st is customer-appreciation day at Nook's.
If you make a purchase of 500 Bells or more, he'll do the famous Nook
Dance for you!
> Famous, you say?!
> That's not true!
Hey, did you hear?
Nook is going on a blind date!
> Sweet!
> Not a chance.
Nook'll buy just about anything: fruit, fish, shells, flowers...
I mean, the guy'll even buy bugs if you bring them in!
He's crazy, [catchphrase]! He'll buy just about anything you give him!
Oh, I see, [name]!
You're working for Nook!
...Well, I guess everyone gets in over their heads now and then...
(gives you furniture for your own house)
You should, like, go home and try it out...
If Old Man Nook says it's OK!
So, you're working part-time for Tom Nook, huh?
Oh... bad move, [catchphrase]!
I bet Tom Nook is already making you run a bunch of totally WEAK errands, huh?
I feel your pain, dude!
Huh? Why are you delivering furniture, [name]?
...Hah! So you're Tom Nook's little servant?
Have fun with that!
If you can't pay up, you gotta work for it!
Eh, [catchphrase]?
...Well, you ARE lookin' a little sad and pathetic, so I'll help ya out.
[name]! You about done slaving away at your part-time job?
Well, when you are, you have GOT to start checking out Tom Nook's store every day!
He changes up his inventory every day just to keep things spicy.
You really have to admire Tom Nook. He brings us the tools that help us beautify our lives!
You're delivering furniture? But that must mean...
You're working part-time at Tom Nook's!
Yeah, it happens to pretty much everyone.
Nook casts a long shadow in this town.
Not many escape it.
Let me guess, moving to town left your wallet a little empty.
And Nook offered a way out.
And does Tom Nook make ANY kind of sense to you?!
Yeah, I'll buy your seashells so you can give me back my own money to pay off a house I'm selling to you!