“…Young [name]… I bet you think…
…that all I think about is money and how to make more of it, hm? Don’t you?
[select Well, yeah.]
Well, perhaps you’re right…
But I’m absolutely, 100% OK with that, hm? Indeed!
I like to think that it’s my job to show you young people how hard life is!
As an adult, it’s my responsibility. It’s my TRUE job, if you will, hm?”
The Roost dialogue
(Nook can visit between midnight and 1:30 am):
“I actually enjoy rather sweet things over the course of a day, but…
Lately I’ve been limiting myself to 1 spoonful of sugar!
Yes, even I have started to worry about keeping myself strong for years to come.
Come now. What would this town do without Nook, hm…?”
Ah! Hello there! You here for a cup
of coffee too, [name]?
[name], do you have any preference when it comes to
coffee beans, hm?
I have eyes only for the Kilimanjaro Brewster serves here!
Mm, it's so delicious. If you haven't
tried it yet, you should really give it a shot, yes, yes!
I know coffee is coffee, but I prefer mine with a lot of milk, just like a
café au lait. Mm, so refreshing!
I try to balance it out by cutting back on the sugar....
My doctor shouldn't have any complaints!
Hello to you,[name]! We seem
to run into each other rather often
in this little café, yes, yes!
Hello to you, [name]!
How have you been lately, hm?
Ah![name]! So good to see
you, yes, yes!
Hello there,[name]! It seems
this is a popular spot for both of
us, yes yes!
[name], you seem to be what I've heard called a "night owl."
We both must make sure to keep an eye on our health, though!
Ah, [name]!
I was thinking you would show up soon.
I was just chatting with Brewster here!
Please, relax if you'd like.
By the way, [name], how is your house working out for you, hm?
If you ever feel the urge for a little
remodeling, please do stop by my
place! I can help, yes, yes!
I've been in the sales industry a
long time, but only recently I've
decided real estate is best.
I had fun running a store, but for
some reason I just couldn't break
out of the usual routine...
That's why right now, I'm using my
previous experience but learning
something new every day.
It's gone a long way toward adding
excitement to my life, yes it has!
„I’ve heard some folks believe I’m a ruthless and heartless businessman.
This is not true, and not just because I am a raccoon and not a man, yes, yes.
Hm, perhaps I can see the value of having a boogeyman everyone can unite against.
Or rather, in my case, a boogeycritter.
But paying one’s debt is important!
If I must be villainized in my pursuit of teaching, then so be it!”
Pocket Camp:
“Ahh, this place is so quaint and peaceful.
I could see myself retiring somewhere like this…”
„What do you think of the chair I was sitting in just now, hm?
It’s quite nice, isn’t it?
And the best part?
It’s completely portable.
A cozy chair that you can pack up and bring anywhere.
It’s quite useful for me on the job.
Yes, yes.
Because I have to visit so many properties each day.
Oh, I’m not complaining. Far from it!
I love my work, and I put my heart and soul into it every day!”
“I’ve had this chair ever since I started my first business.
In a way, it’s my most valued employee!”
“Of course, I am only here for, uh, BUSINESS purposes.
I would never skip work for a concert, no, no!”
„…You know Harriet, the hairdresser who recently moved into my store, yes?
Well, just the other day, she said to me…
“Nook, sugar, have you ever thought about changing your hairstyle just a
[select AHHH ha ha ha!]
Well, I never! How very rude of you!
You may not believe this, since it’s not incredibly obvious to the naked eye…
But I trim my hair every day, hm? Without fail!
And on top of that, depending on how I feel that day, I customize it!
Now, perhaps it might be a little too subtle for most people, but…
That’s how I express myself! It’s where I let it all hang out, as they say,
Don’t think I’ve not tried alternatives! This is the only style that suits me!”
„[name], it’s all right to ask you something, yes?
Do you happen to know what a “petriperm” is?
[select Uh, a rock band?]
Uh, no, I don’t believe so. The other day, Harriet came up to me and said…
“Nook, I bet you’d look absolutely scrumptious in a petriperm!”
Well, [name]? …What do you think? A “petriperm”???
[select No idea.]
I have no idea either, hm? When she asked me, I got panicky and said…
“Oh, yes, yes, a petriperm. I had those all the time when I was younger!”
…Yes, yes, a blatant lie. I acted like I knew what it was, yes?
Harriet just laughed…
Petriperm! Petriperm… What in the world could that mean, hm?
Ugh… Thinking about this is sure to steal sleep from me tonight!“
„Well… You remember that word that had us stumped, yes?
I finally figured it out! I now know precisely what a “petriperm” is!
[select What?]
Yes, yes, I’ll tell you! A “petriperm” is…
…simply a shortened version of the term “petrified perm”!
[select Ah ha ha ha!]
It’s no laughing matter, hm? Do you even know what a petrified perm is?
They take a very skinny curling iron and give you very tight curls, yes?
The curls are firm as rock! Why, if I did that, I’d look like a circus clown!
I’d be the laughing stock of town, hm? They’d ask where my red nose was!
Ugh… How mortifying, hm? The very thought makes me feel such humiliation…
That Harriet…
She probably knew I’d feel this way. That must be why she was laughing, hm?
Ugh! I swear, I will never again play the fool for some big-city girl!“
„Yes, yes, [name]… I’d like to ask you a slightly strange question.
What do you think about the way I dress, hm?
Do you think I command the respect that the owner of a shop ought to?
[select Uh, maybe?]
Are you trying to confuse me? Does it please you to taunt me, hm?
I’m most certainly not trying to imitate those young hipsters, you know!
Yes, yes, I see how it is. Your eyes betray your thoughts, [name].
These clothes just don’t suit me…“
“…Remember the other day, [name], when you said my clothes were ugly, hm?
…I was reminded of it when Mabel said the exact same thing to me…
[select Thought so!]
That Mabel! Such insolence! "Tom Nook! You should really try to dress more
"I bet my sister would totally tailor a suit for you for free!”
…She was holding forth on subjects she clearly knows nothing about, hm?
Yes, yes, her conduct just goes to show that Mabel is still a child.
At her age, she shouldn’t be expected to understand a man’s aesthetics, yes?
It’s no slight against the girl, I assure you. It’s just the way of things,
“…Well, a customer told me today that my clothes are too old-fashioned, hm?
She looked me square in the face when she said it, as well! Unbelievable, yes?
It was a bit of a shock, actually…
[select Was she mean?]
Yes, yes, she was, at that! Why, back when I lived in the city…
I was known as the famous "Off-the-Hook Nook”!
[select Why?]
Oh, some sort of slang, hm? The point is, looks are part of business, [name]…
A businessman should never stand out more than his customers, yes?
His mannerisms, his clothes, everything about him… Moderation is the key,
Besides, looking a bit outdated also puts older customers’ minds at ease!“
“You know when I was younger, I was quite the runner.
I ran everywhere, believe it or not.”
I am thankful to have a home of my own, yes, yes. In my younger days, I slept in a stump.
I try to enjoy some gardening quite often lately. Especially to build up some vigour, and by now I do feel much stronger already. Athletic almost, yes, yes! Even thought that might not be visible by looking at me...
Ordering a coffee-to-go at the Roost:
Oh, hello, [name]!
I usually order my coffee with lots of milk but here at the Roost even the black coffee is exquisite.
Yes, yes, time to head back!
Good evening, [name]!
Are you taking a break too?
A quick pick-me-up like this is the best way to keep my work in tip-top shape!
See you around, hm?
I'm on a short break, so I left Isabelle in charge of Resident Services.
It's important not to overwork yourself!
I've never had a bad cup of coffee from Brewster. It's always excellent.