[select What's up?]
Ohh, I was just thinking about something from my past...
My far and distant past...
Back when Tom Nook and I were much, much younger...
I used to look up to him as though he was my older brother, you know.
Now those days are just a faded memory for this old girl...“
How long? How long does Tom Nook plan to cling to such ancient history...
[select What happened?]
Oh, haven't you heard me talking about my childhood, [name]?
About how Tom Nook and I were friends as kids...
[select You were?]
Ohh! I guess I must never have told you, huh?
Oops... I'm so sorry. If I had known, I wouldn't have said anything...”
„Ohhh... That Tom Nook... He's still hung up on what happened way back then...
If I could, I would absolutely try to help him, but...
I honestly have no idea what I could do...
[select You know him?]
Huh? Ohhh, yes...
Tom Nook and I virtually grew up together.
I essentially know everything about him starting at childhood.
We've grown apart a little as of late, but...
When we were little, I used to think of Tom Nook...
...as though he were my real big brother...“
„Ummm... You know that owl Blathers who works in the museum?
I was just thinking, I'll bet he really did move here from the big city...
[select How come?]
I can just tell. I can tell that YOU weren't raised here, either, you know...
I don't mean to offend you. I really don't! It's just in your mannerisms...
And not to be a pill, but something about city folk just rubs me wrong...
[select How come?]
Ohh! Well, there's no real reason, to be completely honest...
I guess I just don't feel like I can trust them, do you know what I mean?
They seem charming, but I get this feeling they're always watching the angles.
Ummmm... I'm sorry.
I know that I shouldn't say this because we live in the same town and all,
„Both of us were born here in (town name) but Tom Nook had always said:
This town isn't big enough for me and my vision, hm?
It had become like a catchphrase for him.
( Sounds like him...)
Yes...Tom Nook's dream was to get out of this town and hit it big in the city.
Once he left this town I didn't hear anything from him for a while.
That is until right around this time of year I got a letter from a distant city.
When I think about the way Tom Nook was back then, it chills my heart.
I bet he was lonely in the cold January weather...and the cold careless city.
There is something amazing about the passion of youth and it's power to sustain.
If there is a more powerful energy source I don't know about it.“
„Well, the first letter I got from him arrived at just around this time of year…
The other day, before bed, I pulled that letter out… and just looked at it. Tee hee!
It was adorable!
Sure, the handwriting was a little messy, but… You could hear his determination in every word of that letter…
Sweet, young Tom Nook…
His call to arms, his ethos, was “Dreams before money!”
He was so pure that people wondered if he’d survive this crazy old world. I did too. Every night before falling asleep, I would wish him…
‘Please keep Tom Nook’s pure spirit protected,”
I’d whisper in the darkness.
“Keep him safe from the apathy that breeds in the alleys of the big city…’
I don’t know why I’ve told you so much about Tom Nook and I…
All those memories of our shared youth must bore you.
Please forgive me.“
“The Tom Nook that left for the big city… He sent me letters quite frequently, actually. One day, I received a wooden box, not a letter. When I opened it, I was quite astonished!
[A ring?!
]Oh goodness, no! Are you kidding?! [NAME], I think you’ve been watching too many made-for-TV movies! …Ohh, I’m so sorry. Heh, I didn’t mean to snap. That just took me off guard.
No, inside the box, there was a pair of fancy, burnt-orange colored… scissors. Incredibly strong and sharp scissors! The finest scissors I’d ever laid eyes on. The enclosed letter said, “Happy birthday, Sable!” So…sweet… At the time, I was so busy that I’d even forgotten it was my birthday. To think Tom Nook had remembered it… I’m sure life was hard for Tom Nook in the city during that time… I know his job paid poorly, so for him to buy those scissors for me… When I think about it, it makes me so happy that I cry!”
Well, we shared a lot of good times, Tom Nook and I. Before there was an observatory in dear old [TOWN NAME]… We used to climb up the roof when we wanted to look at the stars… Ohh, yes! We even made constellations together, I remember! I made one called the “Star Shirt.” Tom Nook’s looked like one of those old-time markets. He called it… “The Farmer’s Market Bargain Bin Constellation.” Ohh that takes me back…
[Nice story]
Yes, it is… Shortly after that, Tom Nook moved to the big city… Yes, he left to chase his dreams… When he returned to [TOWN NAME], he came back a totally different soul… I still believe that… if he had just clung to those sweet memories like I do… he would have shaken off the heartsickness of those city years… Memories can be sad, but they can also save you…”
„I told you that Tom Nook and I have known each other since we were kids, right?
Well, um... Actually...that's not the half of it.
Since we were little, we've told each other our dreams and aspirations...
[select Really?]
Ohh, yes. When we were small, Tom Nook used to say this all the time:
"I'm going to build the biggest store in the world! See if I don't, hm?"
Tee hee! It appears as though that part of him hasn't changed at all!
Huh? Oh, stop, [name]. Why would you care about MY dreams?
Of course, I won't stop you from asking, but my reply will be pretty boring...
[select Tell me!]
...Ohhh... Ummmm...
My dream is...ummmmmm... "to fill this town with the cutest clothes EVER!"
Oops!!! ...I said it out loud!
Ohh, I'm so embarrassed... Please don't tell anyone I told you that!“
„Ohhh, hi, [name]... Listen, could you please forget what I told you?
[select About what?]
Ohh, then you already have! It was the story of when Tom Nook and I were kids.
You know, when I think about it, that was when we were the most innocent...
[select What?]
Ummm... Well, you see, when Tom Nook grew up...
...he left town and headed for the big city in pursuit of his dream.
My... My parents passed away when I was young and...
Well, I didn't have the kind of freedom that he did...to expand my horizons.
I was too busy raising Mabel and taking care of the shop, you understand?
If I had a little more freedom during that period of my life...
...Well, never mind that. It's pointless for me to think about it now.“
„Ohhh... Um, [name]? Remember what I told you about Tom Nook and me?
I only told you part of the story, so I should probably tell you the rest.
[select OK.]
Ummm... Well, Tom Nook left [town] for the city, chasing his dream.
I believe a few years passed before his return...
I'd been busy raising my little sister, Mabel, of course...
...and making sure the shop stayed afloat.
Then one day...Tom Nook returned. And he said not one word to anyone.
Poor, poor Tom Nook... You could tell by looking at him how exhausted he was.
I did everything I could to cheer him up, but he said...
"Dreams are nothing in the face of money!"
Those words had become a mantra to poor Tom Nook...
[select Tell me more!]
...From that moment on, Tom Nook and I started to grow apart.
His smile started to return after a while, but...
Ohhh... I just...
I think he puts on a brave face to seem like the old Nook, but I just feel...
I feel he still bears the scars of his time in the city, and they pain him..."
Anyway, Mabel was so young at the time, she doesn't recall how he used to be.”
It's been getting cooler lately, hasn't it?
[select You think?]
Yes, I'm sure of it...because every year, around this time, I think to myself...
You know how Tom Nook wears nothing but that apron all year round?
I just have to figure that the autumn air must give him serious chills...“
„Umm, even though I think this is the best time of year, weather-wise...
You shouldn't let your guard down and start wearing clothes that are too cold...
[select Darn skippy!]
Well, not everyone agrees! There was this incident before you arrived here...
It was about this time of year, and Tom Nook caught a bad cold. He was laid
Well, 'cause his normal body temperature is high, he didn't usually wear much...
So I suggested he wear more when it's colder. His response to this was...
"Until I have enough money to make my shop bigger, I must endure, hm?"
I knew right then that there was no changing HIS mind, that's for sure.“
" Say, ummm... Tom Nook... Was he wearing that shirt again today?
[select Same as usual.]
Well, that certainly figures. Between you and me, his clothes...
I made them just as Tom Nook ordered and finished them right here in my shop.
Ohh! But please don't tell Mabel this part...
I made them when our shop was closed and gave them to him as a gift!
[select Really?]
Yes, well, actually, up until a while ago, Tom Nook's shop, right next door...
Let's just say it wasn't doing as well as its dedicated owner had hoped.
In order to keep the shop open, he began cutting back on expenses like clothes.
Interestingly enough, right around the time you moved here, [name]...
Business really started picking up for him!
Those clothes were my way of saying congratulations...
They might not look like anything special, but...
I sewed down into the lining so it retains head better than anything I've made.
Even on the coldest winter days, Nook should stay nice and warm...“
"Ohhh, that Tom Nook...
[select What's up?]
...Ohhh, well, it's just... The other day, right before closing, I was
and I happened to run into Tom Nook.
At first, I didn't know whether to say "hi"...or even HOW to say "hi."
Still, I finally gathered my courage and asked how his clothes felt...
Tom Nook responded, "Why, same as always! Best clothes ever, hm?"
Yes, he muttered those words, barely audible, and disappeared into his shop...
[select Really?]
Yes, now that I think about it, he's always been like that...
I've known him since he was little, so trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
When he's truly happy, Tom Nook doesn't show anyone how he's feeling...
He guards his feelings like a miser guards gold, rarely letting anyone see them.
But those words made me happy... They made me so very happy...
Tom Nook loves the clothes that I made him, and he wears them all the time...”
“Do you think Tom is ever lonely?
Oh, I mean, Mr. Nook!
I just wonder sometimes.
He’s the sort to keep everything to himself, especially his emotions.
Don’t tell anyone else, but I know that he at least has a wonderful singing voice.
Don’t ask me how I know! That’s part of the secret!”