“I do hope you’ll be a regular at Timmy and Tommy’s store.
I taught both of them everything I know, yes, yes!
They actually came to me before they decided to remodel and open a home-improvement center.
That type of business was never part of my business model…
It really seems those two are finally using their own ideas to run their business.
As their mentor, it makes me feel like they are growing up at last!
Now the two of them run a grand department store...
When I think they used to work as a team on a floor of my
department store...I'm flooded with emotion! I have
such pride in them, yes, yes!"
“Hmmph! I cannot believe the audacity of Timmy and Tommy.
[What happened?]
Do they honestly think I can’t tell the two of them apart?
The fact that they come to me individually for their paychecks makes me leery…
I think it’s their way of challenging my intellect…Testing me, hm?
Yes, yes, well, no way to be sure of course. But you should know, (your name),…
I know how to tell Timmy and Tommy apart.
The one with the mole on his left wrist is young Tommy, yes?
And the one with the mole on his right wrist is little Timmy!
Wait, that is, unless…
Maybe I have that reversed, hm?”
“Timmy and Tommy are getting too sneaky for [me]
Well…Let me first say that every night, before I turn in…
I treat myself to a lick of sweet, sweet honey, yes?
An indulgence, yes, but in my line of work, you use your head all the time.
At the end of the day, all you want is something sweet to eat, hm?
And that honey, MY honey, the delicious honey that I sample every night
Timmy and Tommy went and ate the entire jar!
I was overcome with rage, yes?
…I consider myself a patient individual but I lost it.
I was so enraged, I even broke a vase on the show floor, hm?
But those crafty imps…
Their excuse pulled at my heartstrings.
“We want to become just like you, Mr. Nook, because we admire you so, hm?
That’s why, while we knew it was wrong, we ate all of the honey.”
…How could I stay mad, hm?
I smiled at the scamps and sent them on their way.”
It’s not that I want to live a life of solitude forever, hm?
[You have kids!]
Oh ho ho ho! No, no…
[Your name], how old do you think I am, hm?
Tommy and Timmy are not my children!
Those two are just my employees, yes?
We’re not related.
I like to think of them as my pupils and myself as their mentor, hm?
Haven’t you heard them call me “Mr. Nook” before?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen a kid call his dad “Mr. Something.”!
[I see.]
I’m still just a swinging bachelor, yes?
People usually assume that I’m divorced or something, but I’ve never married, hm?”
"Nook Tails (Official Animal Crossing Comic):
1) Timmy: We sent Tommy to inspect the island beforehand, I hope he's doing okay...
He's a capable kid, I'm sure he's doing okay.
Tommy: * looking visibly starved * This island is no good...
Tommy: If we can't find any fruits or fish, then this island is...
Don't speak! Get some rest!
Sorry for the wait!
... And as you can see, we had some troubles but the emigration plan is now ready!
2) Can anyone tell me what DIY stands for?
Tommy: Me! Pick me! I know!
It stands for: dive into your very own hotspring!
Timmy: Hey! That's not right!
It's do it yourself!
Exactly! Now let's build!
* all 3 sitting in a hotspring *
Yes, yes! Never pass up an opportunity for DIY!
Timmy and Tommy: DIY is the best!
> The best!
3) For cost reasons, we can only take one item each. What will you bring, hm?
Timmy: Wow...that's a hard question.
I'm bringing my smartphone!
I have a business to run after all, even on a deserted island I'm still president of Nook Inc.
Tommy: But the battery! How will you keep it charged?
Yes, yes. I thought of that.
Timmy: Huh?
My new NookPhone never needs to be charged! How, you ask? Oho. Trade Secret!*
Tommy: So mysterious!
* But please do charge your Switch...
4) A smartphone is a must-have on a deserted island! You two got one too, right?
Timmy and Tommy: But Boss, you already know it, we're aaalways talking!
Text chat:
> ROAR ]
Indeed sorry.
Tommy: Wahaha!
...But to be honest, I don't even have a smartphone!!
* shows an old phone *
But don't worry, everything is included in our package! Even Nook Inc.'s smartphone!
Timmy and Tommy: Thank you so much!
* The contract is included!
5) Timmy and Tommy: You know about tour guides? The guide is usually holding a flag!
That's why I made a flag for us! It's a bit too big, but totally conveys our enthusiasm!
WHOA! * Nooklings flying away with the flag *
You two!!
>> The right tool for the right job << It's tradesman 101. * gives each of them a smaller flag *
Timmy and Tommy: Got it!
* Do your due diligence every day!
6) Timmy and Tommy: Ok, my bag is ready! I'm even wearing the perfect shirt for this southern island!
Hehehe, I wonder if our boss will be surprised?
* freezing on the island *
Timmy, Tommy!
I told you today's island would be in the southern hemisphere, right?
Even though we're in August, it's right in the middle of the winter, here!
Timmy: I forgot.
But do not worry! We prepare everything to get you ready for every season, be it clothes, food or housing!
Timmy and Tommy: Oooooh!
* Loans are possible!
7) The departure date is getting close...
To be honest, I have something to tell you two.
Timmy and Tommy: Boss?
Thank you for your hard work up until now. If you hadn't been there, this getaway package wouldn't have come true!
Timmy and Tommy: Thank you...!
Boss! We do have something we need to share with you, too!
Oh? You can tell me.
Timmy and Tommy: We've been wearing our shirts inside out the whole time!!
* This time we will welcome you dressed correctly!
Animal Crossing Manga: Assemble! Animal Crossing 2020
[There are currently only 2 published chapters]
Chap 1:
Hana: Adorable, are you two raccoons? (looking at Timmy & Tommy)
Ah! But they're wearing clothes...
Wait! (as Timmy & Tommy storm off)
They're gone... I wonder what's on the other side.
I'm so curious!
(crosses over into the Animal Crossing-world)
Ah! So there was a beach over here...
But somehow the atmosphere is different here.
Ah, the raccoons from before!
There's a big raccoon here... Why is he wearing clothes too?
Tom: If it isn't a guest! Welcome to this deserted island!
I'll help you live here!
Hana: The raccoon spoke?!
Chap 2:
Narrator: When Hana chased after those raccoons, what did she see before her eyes?
Hana: The raccoon spoke?
Tom: My name is Tom Nook!
And these two...
The Nooklings: I'm the big brother, Timmy!
And I'm the little brother, Tommy!
Tom: These two are twin brothers!
Hana: How cute!
Ah, my name is Hana!
Tom: We three are members of "Raccoon Development".
Once again... Ms. Hana, we welcome you to our company's: Deserted Island Getaway Package!
Nook & Nooklings: We hope that Ms. Hana will be able to enjoy her everyday life on this deserted island as she pleases!
Hana: This island is deserted?
Timmy: Don't worry!
Tommy: We're living here too.
Tom: We can support you.
Hana: I've never seen such a beautiful island...
Tom: Have you taken a liking to the area?
Then, as the first step to your new life here...
Hana: What's this?
Tom: We'll set up a tent!
Hana: Incredible!
As if we were on a deserted island!
Timmy & Tommy: We are! ~
Tom: Ms. Hana!
I'm glad you like it so much!
We're going to prepare the campfire now,
so after resting in the tent,
please come out to the clearing!
(Hana goes to rest in her tent)
Tom: AH!
Timmy & Tommy: !!! * startled *
Tom: There isn't enough wood to use for the campfire!
When Hana comes, let's have her help!
“Let's talk.
Been to the raccoon brothers' shop lately?
You know! The brothers? Timmy and Tommy? With the selling of all the stuff? The cool, cool stuff?
Little inside info: The other day?
Mr. Nook and I? Met with ‘em.
Talked business. Bang.
Mr. Nook? Can I guess?
Took ‘em under your wing, right? Bang?
Little apprentices?
Anyway. Mr. Nook. Kind of stern with the wee ones. Gave ‘em a talking to.
Caught ol’ Lyle off guard.
Suppose it’s not unusual.
Older, wiser businessman. Firm hand with the younger generation? Bang.
> Mr. Lyle…! I merely wanted those boys to know that when their shop opened we became rivals, hm?
And I warned them that, as they continue to grow, other businesses will try to cut in on their action!
I told them they are responsible for their own success, and I’m not going to pull any punches! That’s all! <
Sure, sure. Ol’ Lyle gets it. Throw ‘em in the deep end. Teach ‘em to swim. Swim with sharks. Bang.
But you? Kinder than you seem, I think. I’ve seen you. Stealthy. Sneakin’ out to check on ‘em. Bang!
> What?! I-I was going out for a stroll, hm?
I may have peeked in their window, but…it’s just business! <
Ho ho! Mr. Nook? Can it be? The consummate professional? Blushing? Boom!”
Heh. Little confession: still can't
tell Timmy and Tommy apart sometimes...
Ah! That reminds me! Brewster!
When I leave, can I have two cups of coffee to go?
> Coo… They a treat for someone…?
Yes, yes!
I thought I'd bring Timmy and Tommy a little treat!
You know... I still can't believe sometimes that the little Nooklings are old enough
to drink coffee now...
Time sure does fly! O ho ho ho!