Thanks much for paying off your loan, hm?
I simply have to ask... Is this... perhaps...related to the desire to expand further?
Then I've got good news for you!
It would be no problem to take out another loan! No problem at all, no, no!
Just tell me if you wish to know more.
Storage Expansion:
Hello, hello!
I'm guessing you didn't miss my missive, then!
As I mentioned, I've begun providing expanded home storage to those with large homes.
Unfortunately, such construction would not come cheap, so I'd need the entire cost to be paid up front.
Now, I imagine that, as your house has grown, you've placed quite a few things into storage, hm?
But then, before you know it, your storage is full!
And where does your old couch go then?
Where indeed...
That's what expanded storage would aim to solve.
So, think it over, and tell me if you'd like to know more!
> Expand my storage.
Oho! Curious about the home-storage expansion service, hm?
Expanded storage would let you store many, many more things than you can currently.
Now, for various reasons, I can't offer a loan for this.
You'll have to pay 500,000 Bells up front.
But I believe that's a small price to pay for the peace of mind you'll get from having all that extra space.
So! Have I piqued your interest? Are you ready to spend 500,000 Bells and expand your home storage?
> Yes, let's do it!
Excellent! I'll start on the paperwork for the expansion right away.
I believe that I'll have everything finished by tomorrow morning.
Oh! This is so exciting!
> Not now.
Yes, yes, the cost is quite high. A decision like this shouldn't be rushed.
Do come again anytime, hm?
The expansion of your storage will be done by tomorrow. First thing in the morning!
Exciting, isn't it?
Oh well... It appears that you're a bit short on Bells, (your name).
Not enough to fund this little project, no, no!
So, pardon me, but nobody will work for nothing but a friendly paw shake...
Please do return once you have the necessary Bells, hm?
Do you wish to expand your home, hm?
We could add yet another room.
That would require taking out a loan for 548,000 Bells.
Shall we proceed?
> Yes, let's do it!
Splendid! I'll get the construction started right away.
Oh! That reminds me...
If you wish to change the color of your roof, this would be the perfect opportunity to do it.
We have eight different colors to choose from.
Please pick a color for your roof, hm?
Got it! Your roof will be [color]!
Construction should be finished by tomorrow! I do believe you must be even more excited than I am!
Well, hello there, [name]!
And just like that your home has another proper room, hm?
That's another upgrade to an even cushier lifestyle, yes, yes!
Which brings us to...
the cost of your remodel!
That'll be [sum] Bells, hm?
Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
Oh, and one other thing I should mention...
Now that you've made some big improvements to your home, I can start offering customization services.
This is not about increasing the size of your home. It's about changing the look of your home's exterior.
Now, what we can offer does depend on the size of your home, but...
you'll pay for customization up front so you can prioritize customization over home expansion and vice versa!
As always, it's been ever so nice doing business with you. Yes, yes!
One other thing I should mention...
as part of the home-customization services available to you, you can now order replacement doors.
A new door will change the vibe of your home, so I do hope you give it a try sometime!
As always, it's been ever so nice doing business with you. Yes, yes!
"Dear [name]!
I'm writing to advise you of some special Nook Miles+ activities that are available from now until May 4th. All part of our Nature Day event! Yes, yes! I do hope you'll come see me for more details, hm?
- Tom Nook of Nook Inc."
[name]! If you've seen my postcard, you already know this, but...
For a limited time, we're going to have a special Nature Day promotion for Nook Miles+ members.
During the event, we'll be giving out more miles than usual for your eco-friendly island activities. We'll also have a special gift, so do consider participating, won't you?
Of course, it's my hope that island residents will be eco-friendly all the time, not just around Nature Day...
Oh, look at that! You've already taken part in the Nature Day activities, haven't you, [name]?
Yes, yes! So like you to jump right into the action, you glowing example for the rest of [island name]!
Now then, as you've demonstrated your eco-mindfulness, I have a special present for you.
The flourishing dream of any gardener: a DIY recipe for crafting your very own hedges!
Keep up the good work, hm? I'd truly love to have you continue taking part in our Nature Day activities!
We can customize the exterior of your home for 5000 Bells.
If you place your order now, it'll be ready by tomorrow morning.
Now then... are you interested?
> Maybe another time.
My, my... Changed your mind?
Well, you know where to find me if you want to customize your home.
> Yes, please!
Excellent! Then I'll show you our design catalog and you can choose what you'd like for your new home.
Hmmm... Interesting design choice!
That'll be 5000 Bells!
Many thanks! I'll make sure that construction is done by tomorrow morning.
If you're like me, you're already excited!
Your exterior customization order will be ready tomorrow morning. I know!
It's all very exciting, hm?
Ready to expand your home, hm?
I believe another room would give you the extra space you desire.
We'd be talking about a loan of 758,000 Bells.
Shall we proceed?
Wishing for a bit more space, hm?
Why, with a hammer and some elbow grease, we can put a large, one-room second story on your home!
Of course... adding a whole new floor does entail heavy contruction fees.
We'd be talking about a loan of 1,248,000 Bells.
Shall we proceed?
Now then, your home has a new floor, has it not?
You could use this extra space for some interior design experiments, yes, yes!
Which brings us to...
the cost of your remodel! That'll be 1,248,000 Bells, hm?
Ah, yes! Please make your payments using the Nook Stop's ABD feature as you've done before.
And there is one more thing...
You can now customize the exterior of your home!
Roof, siding, door, mailbox... You've got many options!
Oh and by the way, not only can you customize your mailbox, but you can also reposition it!
Simply pick it up using Y and place it where you want it to be.
As always, it's been ever so nice doing business with you. Yes, yes!
Let me congratulate you once more - with all my heart!
From one entrepreneur to the other? ...You truly have a good sense for making Bells. Yes, yes!
Just think about it... Turning a mere tent into a two-story home!
Intriguing, indeed!
Most certainly you're beyond the simply need for more space by now.
Nevertheless, there is one question that remains...
Where would we be without big dreams?
Not in this little paradise, no, no! That I can assure you!
So without having any business-related ulterior motives, let me suggest something...
I could build you a basement.
What you do with this information is entirely for you to decide!
And congratulations again, hm?
Oho! Are you interested in having your very own basement?
Now, you've weathered some serious sticker shock before, so I'm sure you can handle it, but be warned - this'll be costly.
All told, we'll be looking at a grand total of 2,498,000 Bells. Are you still interested?
Your home has a proper basement now, does it not?
You surely won't find many folks with a home as impressive as yours!
We're celebrating several occasions at once! My, my, [island name] is truly a lucky island!
Do you wish to take part in one of our ceremonies?
I'd like to begin our special ceremony celebrating the grand opening of our fancy new museum!
Thank you! Thanks much!
As I'm sure you've all noticed, [island name] has gone through marvelous, wondrous changes!
It's all due to the fine residents of this island who work together daily!
Yes, yes, you have my thanks!
Now then, I'd like to ask Blathers to say a few words as the representative from our newly remodeled museum.
Blathers... if you would?
Just... um... a word or two?
Hoot, indeed! I shall keep this brief. Ahem! Dearest residents of [island name]...
It is an honor and a pleasure to take this moment to thank you for your continued support of the museum!
Your diligent efforts have turned this museum into the grand... nay, the MAGNIFICENT attraction it is today!
So many fish!
So many fossils!
So. many. insects.
Indeed, all who set foot, hoof, or paw in this museum have you to thank for the splendors they behold.
And now we have opened a new addition, one I have dreamt of since I was but an owlet...
Yes! A proper art gallery! One in which we shall display proper art!
Paintings! Statues! Proper! Art!
By Jove, my cultural and curatorial dreams have come true! Hoot hoot and hooooray!
I beg your pardon! My enthusiasm has me running at the beak once again.
To the point, then. As we celebrate this new wing of the museum, I feel I must entreat you...
Please, do continue to donate your aquisitions. I ask this not just for the betterment of the museum...
But for the betterment of us all.
Hoo, and thank you.
Er... Yes... I mean... No!
Thank YOU, Blathers, for those many... many...
many words... of wisdom.
Now then, let's hear a FEW words from someone whose valuable contributions have made this remodel possible in the first place.
Of course I mean [name], our Resident Representative, hm? [name]?
Right now, we'd like to celebrate the brand-new Nook's Cranny renovations!
Would you be interested?
Then we shall begin our special ceremony celebrating the grand opening of our fancy new Nook's Cranny!
I'd like to ask our Nook's Cranny representatives, Timmy and Tommy, to say a few words!
Timmy? Tommy? If you would.
Residents of [island name]!
We've remodeled Nook's Cranny into the wonderful shop you see before you!
Yep! And we're offering a wider selection of goods than ever before!
It's all so we can do a better job of supporting you and this island!
Yes, yes, thank you both!
Next, let's hear a few words from someone who keeps making many valuable contributions to this island's development!
Of course, it's our Resident Representative, [name]!
...Capito! So I'll just talk to Tom Nook!
Alrighty, sounds fantastic!
Now, I won't be able to expand your home any further.
But I must say it has been a pleasure serving you!
Final Home Loan Paid:
My goodness, you've done it.
You've paid off your home-renovation loan in full! Again.
As of this moment, you're debt-free and set for life in an amazing, spacious island home! Yes, yes!
...I know you're just waiting for me to offer you yet another expansion, but we've reached the end of that.
But I do have something else to offer you. For free, of course.
Nook Inc. guarantees our work for life, and as a small token of our appreciation...
we are proud to offer you a lifetime of free exterior renovations!
Limit one per day, terms and conditions apply. Yes, yes...
I'm legally required to say that...
I do hope that Nook Inc. can still be of service to you for years to come.
And once again, my congratulations!
We can customize the look of your home's exterior for free!
Oho! I'll wager you're here to grab a May Day Ticket, [name]?
As part of our May Day celebration, I'm handing them out to everybody who asks nicely, hm?
Speaking of which... it's time for a little pop quiz...
Do you know what we're celebrating on May Day?
> I... may.
> Not... really.
Oh! Then let me briefly explain it to you.
Yes, yes, May Day is a day when we express our gratitude to those who work hard.
Although, I suppose my May Day event is more about play than work...
My getaway-package idea started as a way for folks to escape and enjoy carefree lives on deserted islands.
I'm counting on the fact that you've been enjoying a leisurely island life here as well.
However, I can't help but think about all of the support I've gotten from our wonderful island residents...
It can TRULY be said that a lot of hard work has gone into making this island shine!
As a thank-you, Nook Inc. has created a special tour for island residents.
Oho yes, yes! I call it the May Day Tour!
I'm sure everyone will enjoy the recreational activities I've planned!
So do take this opportunity to hop on a plane, take a trip, and unwind after all your hard work!
You very well deserve it! I've left a May Day Ticket for you at the airport counter.
May 7th is the last day you can use it, so take flight whenever you like before the event ends.
I think that's everything I've been meaning to tell you. Did you need me to repeat any of that?
Well, that doesn't surprise me. You've always been a wise one, [name]!
> Nope, I'm good!
I'd love to hear your thoughts after you've gone on your trip.
But until then, have a good time on your May Day Tour, [name]!
I got a May Day Ticket from Tom Nook with "[name]" written on it, which makes it yours.
This May Day Tour is a special trip to a faraway island. It's all organized by Tom Nook!
As for what awaits you there... You'll just have to find out when you land!
And for this tour, you have to go empty-handed. Those are the rules.
We'll hold on to all your belongings here at the counter.
Don't worry! We'll be sure to return them when you get back.
[You're being sent into a labyrinth that you can solve using your DIY abilities and the energy you gain by eating fruit.]
It's, uh, a pretty weird island, isn't it?
What brings you here, anyway?
> Tom Nook sent me!
Wait. You know Tom Nook?!
He's the reason I'M here too! I mean, I'm here because he invited me.
He told me he put together a very interesting attraction on this island and I should check it out...
But I didn't expect to find a maze!
Mya ha ha ha howr! What a surprise!
So... if you know Tom Nook, does that mean you live on the same island as he does?
> It shore does!
I hear Nook's been putting a ton of work into that place...
What was it called again?
Oh yeah! [island name], right?
> Ding ding ding!
Tom Nook has really made a name for himself!
Back in the day, all he used to have was the apron he wore!
For the love of Nook's ever-flyin' ink-jet printer! Did you soar through the entire maze, [name]?
Way to go! You'll have to let ol' Nook now.
Oh! I heard you took your May Day Tour, [name]!
We spared no cost or effort putting the event together. So tell me...
How did it go, hm?
> It was fun!
I'm so glad to hear that! Yes, truly!
Believe me, when you're happy, I'm happy!
I also heard that you managed to make your way through the maze!
Perhaps it was too easy for an adventurer of your skill, hm?
Well, I'm just pleased that you had a good time.
Allow me to once again express my gratitude for everything you and the other residents do.
It's thanks to you that [island name] is a vibrant island community!
And you can be sure that Nook Inc. will continue to do whatever we can to support you.
After all, we're in this together, partner, hm?
When having a friend visit you:
Apologies, but I’m abuzz with activity at the moment due to the off-island company visiting right now.
You should use this opportunity to show off our island.
Be an excellent host, [name]!
We can always chat after our company leaves.
How many books would Tom Nook cook if Tom Nook cooked his books?
Big Halloween Party
The 31st of October marks Halloween, our big party will start at 5 PM.
Yes, yes! Hope to see you...
and do remember to bring candy, hm?
Tom Nook
New Year Countdown event:
Ah, [name]! Hello, hello!
I'm helping everyone gear up for the Countdown event today!
I've got some nifty party goods for ringing in the new year, so take a look, hm?
Oh! That reminds me! I also have some Countdown-related gifts!
Those are party poppers! I have no doubt they'll bring some fun and excitement to the Countdown!
This event only happens once a year, so make the best of it!
Welcome, welcome!
Are you in need of any party goods to spice up your Countdown?
It's 500 Bells for a trendy New Year's hat, and today only it's 300 Bells for a five-pack of party poppers!
No need? That's quite alright!
If you catch the party fever later, do come see me, hm?
Thank you!
Always a pleasure!
What color of New Year's hat would you like?
[on the island of a your friend/friends]
Hello, hello, and welcome to [island name]!
Today is the big day! The whole island is celebrating the New Year Countdown event!
To make it even more festive, I can provide you with some great party goods!
Do take a look, hm?
Oh! And I've got presents for everyone celebrating with us today. Exciting indeed!
I have no doubt you'll enjoy your stay on [island name], have fun, yes, yes!
[during the event (night)]
The new year is right in front of us!
Now then, [name]! Happy New Year!
Much luck, many blessings, and many, many Bells!
Happy New Year! Can I interest you for some great party goods to celebrate?
Happy New Year!
We hope that you'll be back to celebrate with us next year!
Hello there! Here is your present,
this time I can fortunately give it to you!
Those are party poppers.
The new year has already reached us, but it's never to late to get in the festival mood!
Your birthday:
On [date], we celebrate [name]!
Birthdays are all about showing appreciation for our friends. Let's make sure this one is no exception! - Tom Nook
Hello, hello, [name]!
I don't say it enough, but, [name], you are such an important part of [island name]. Yes, yes!
You make sure that this coming year is truly a great one!
- Tom Nook, Nook Inc.