...My NookPhone is ringing.
Hello? [name]?
Tom Nook here, yes, yes!
Did you find a good spot for the [incline/bridge]?
> I found a great spot!
Splendid! Now, as part of the kit you set up, Lloid will stay and collect donations for the construction fees.
Island residents can contribute little by little and once we reach our goal, construction will begin right away!
And of course, [name], it would be nice of you to set a good example for the others, hm?
Or else it will take forever...
Er... Anyhoo. Lloid will happily collect every single Bell donation. And we'll talk again soon, hm?
Oho, curious about setting up an incline? Ramps and stairs will conquer every steep cliff. Yes, yes!
Go right ahead and pick one out of our catalog, please.
An [incline]!
And you are sure that this is the type you want, hm?
> Yes, please!
In this case, let's settle on a prime location for it next.
I've got an incline marker kit for you.
I'll place it in your pockets and you can use it to set aside some land for our incline project, yes, yes!
And as a small piece of advice: An incline needs quite a bit of space. You won't be able to build one in overly narrow areas.
Ah, and most importantly: You can only use the kit if you're standing near the base of the cliff. Not on top of it.
Once you're ready, you'll be able to imagine what your new incline will look like. Quite convenient, hm?
How is your search for a construction site going? May I offer my assistance?
Of course, friend!
Would be a shame if the incline didn't work out, so, undoubtedly, I'm inclined to help you!
First, you'll need to make use of the incline marker kit I gave to you.
It's almost like a tent that you're placing!
You look for a beautiful spot close to a cliff and stand at it's base, not on top of the plateau, no, no!
Then you can have a look at your surroundings, as you will need quite a bit of space for your project.
And then, ultimately, you just place the kit there.
With that, everything should be just fine! At least, that's all I can possibly think of.
Good luck with the project, Sir/Miss Masterful Builder!
Ah well, right now we are collecting funds in order to build our new [incline/bridge].
As such, please understand, that I cannot be flexible with this.
Oh, but what's on your mind?
> Let's not build it.
Come again?
You want to halt construction of our new [bridge/incline]?
But all the donations! All Bells would go to waste! Are you ABSOLUTELY sure about this?
> Actually, let's keep it!
Got it! Donations for the project can be made with the gyroid on-site, so please help as you can, hm?
Now then, let's hear a few words from someone who made this bridge possible in the first place!
And of course I mean... our Resident Representative [name]!
standard greeting:
Ah, [name]! Hello, hello!
How goes it? Did you manage to find a nice place for our new campsite, yet?
> Of course!
I'm bursting with joy!
Then it's finally time for me to take matters into my own paws and take care of the construction.
By tomorrow we will have an exquisite campsite just waiting for new guests to come visit us!
What a wonderful spot you've chosen for the campsite!
What would I do without you?
Tomorrow, I will open the campsite to curious visitors. Look forward to it, hm?
Now then - how is your search for a new plot going?
Oho! Fine news indeed! Yes, yes!
We don't want to keep our customer waiting, so I'll proceed with construction at supersonic speed!
Happy customers and rapid business expansion - 2 of my favorite things in the world!
Hmmmm... This has got me thinking though...
How we went about this was a bit... turbulent.
We can't predict when someone will want to move here and last minute home construction sounds like novice level planning to my ears... It is much too haphazard a way of doing business...
Ah! Yes, yes, of course! I've got an idea!
As part of improving infrastructure, we'll set aside plots in advance and put them up for sale!
I'll have to charge a small processing fee, but if we get a buyer who moves in, I'll give you miles as a reward!
[name], I do hope that you agree with my plan.
Just come talk to me, if you wish to help, hm?
Oh! So you'll help prep some land for a future home?
I do have to charge a small fee of 10,000 Bells, but if someone moves in, you'll earn miles for you efforts!
Does that sound okay to you? Will you help find and prep a plot of land?
Right, right!
As you wish.
But, of course, we can only invite more residents once we have marked the plots, soooo...
Well, if you want to see some new faces, then just come talk to me and we'll take care of it, hm?
Very well!
Then let me first collect the fee, hm? That'll be 10,000 Bells, please.
Thanks much!
So now let me just haaaand over the housing kit you'll need to claim a plot for a new house, [name].
Simply look for a cozy spot and use it! Yes, yes! Off you go now!
Yes, yes... Oh wait!
That's a housing kit you have inside your pockets, is it not?
Please excuse the meticulous bookkeeping, but I can only give out 1 kit at once.
Just use the one you already have, mark the plot and then I'll be happy to give you a new one!
Visiting friends:
Welcome to [island name].
I wish you a wonderful stay!
Thanks for coming all the way here to visit our island, hm?
You're in the [island name] Resident Services facility.
Make yourself at home and enjoy your stay, hm?
And, of course, we will honor this with a dedication ceremony!
If you want to participate, just stop by Resident Services and talk to Tom Nook.
Oh, hey, [name]!
You came at just the right time!
There's something I'd like to ask you today... Could I bend your ear for a bit?
Oh, thank you!
You see, I wanted to ask about a location... for the store that we're thinking of opening.
Thanks to you, we've gained a lot of customers on this island who can't wait for me to come here peddlin'.
So... I've been talking with my sister about opening a proper store right here on this island!
That's why today, I came here to chat with Tom Nook, and he was pretty fond of the idea!
He was all like, "We do have some materials left over from building Nook's Cranny, hm?"
"All that must be done then is to select an appropriate location for your store, yes?
Oho! And who would be better suited to help you find that location than [name], yes, hm, yes?"
So I figured I'd just keep doing the traveling-peddler thing until I ran into you again. And that's now!
Oh, geez, I've been rambling on and on, haven't I? Sorry - I'm pretty excited about all this!
Anyway, my sister and I would feel better opening this shop with the help of someone Tom Nook trusts. So how about it, [name]?
Can you be our location scout?
Seriously?! Oh, you're a total lifesaver! Alright then, let me give you this tailors construction kit! Just set it up in whatever spot makes sense to you, and that's where we'll have our shop built!
Hey! So you've found a lovely place for us! Thank you so much, [name]!
As soon as my sister and I have settled down, we can count on you as a regular visitor of ours, right?
Well, hello there, [name]!
Your home now has another room where once there was none, yes?
You can use it for whatever you like!
We'd like to celebrate the grand opening of our campsite, before all the tourists will arrive!
Would you be interested?
Welcome to our dedication ceremony honoring [island name]'s brand new campsite!
I do believe this campsite will bring more attention to [island name].
If we treat our guests well, they may consider moving here! It's just what any growing island needs.
I want everyone here to stop by the campsite and have positive interactions with any guests there!
Speaking of positive interactions, let's hear from someone who saw to it that we could build a campsite.
Wondering who I could mean? [name], our friendly Resident Representative of course!
Anything you wish to add, [name]?
How very impressive our campsite is!
I'm already getting flooded with inquiries and applications from tourists who are interested in our little island!
Surely it won't be long until we start getting our first guests!
Just keep an eye on our campsite, hm? We can never know, when the first tent will appear...
Oh, even though we weren't able to officially start business at the campsite yet... Hm...
The case is clear: We need the visitors to be completely wowed by the wonders of life on our island!
I'd appreciate anything you can do to help improve [island name] - you're the true expert!
Yes, yes! Do some weeding! Plant some flowers!
Place some outdoor decorations to enhance the scenery!
Well, everything that makes our island even more beautiful, hm? That's what we're striving for.
The campsite is all ready!
However, it seems like we still need some more patience until our first visitors will arrive...
Isabelle mentioned it in today's broadcast, but...
Today we have our first guest over at the campsite! Would you believe it!
[name], if you have time, or even if you don't have time, make time, and go check in on our guest, hm?
And, if you get an opening, try talking them into moving to [island name]!
> I did it!
What? Truly?! [name]!
I could hug you! And so quickly too!
Then this means we have no time to waste...
Hmmm, our next course of action will be... building a new home!
And fast!
Since you've closed the deal with our visitor, you should be the one to pick the location for a new home!
That means, if you're up for it...
> Leave it to me!
Thank you, [name]!
Always ready to help, that's how I know you!
You'll need a housing kit to set aside a plot for their home, so I'll give one to you now.
Here you go, it's my pleasure!
It's in your belongings now, so find a good spot for a home and then come back to see me.
Well then... Off you go!
Ohhh, I see... Well, if you're busy, it doesn't have to be right now.
When you have time, let me know. I'll give you the housing kit you'll need to set up a plot for the home.
Ah, now to change the subject...
I'm sure you'll find a grand place that our new guest will love!
Going from camping to being a proud home owner...
Ah, I can't even imagine what kind of impact this will have!
The prestige of [island name] will be off the charts thanks to all the good publicity!
This guy...
This Tom Nook will hopefully lend me a hand with all the paperwork, right?
[name], I'm still overjoyed that you've helped building our campsite!
We're receiving more and more inquiries about it!
It's hard to grasp even!
But yes, yes! My plan to lure- I mean... attract new visitors with a campsite has proven itself to be a masterpiece!
We've laid the groundwork to increase tourism and, I hope, the number of island residents.
Now, if that positive, word-of-mouth marketing about [island name] will just spread...
I admit it, though. This is the thorniest part of our whole venture...
Don't you worry, Mr. Nook!
As long as we all work together, I'm sure we'll reach our goal of having K.K. hold a concert here!
You feel the same way I do, don't you, [name]?
> Dreams do come true!
Isabelle, [name]...
Thank you. Thank you I mean it!
Grrr! I'm more determined than ever to turn this island into an economic phenomenon!
We're not done, [name]! And we're all counting on you!
When you're ready to talk about the next part of the project, come ask me "What should I do?"
Ah, yes, yes! I have something to tell you, [name].
Precisely speaking, it's about our campsite...
Waiting for visitors is fine, but maybe you wish to take a more... proactive approach?
If so, you can use amiibo to invite guests to the campsite with the new service I've added!
You can access the service via the Nook Stop.
It works with an Animal Crossing character's amiibo.
Yes, yes, Tom Nook here.
Oho, [name]! Hello!
What's the weather like over there? Ha ha.
...You do realize I can see you, hm?
It's odd to contact me via NookStop when I'm right here, isn't it?
A visit to the campsite? Me? Oho ho ho!
But you can just come here to see me any time you want!
If you need my advice or help, just stop by my counter to speak to me in person.
Better suited for bad weather as well. No matter if there's rain or sun - your business can still be done! Okay? Okay!
And now - over and out, hm?
...Oh! I almost forgot, but Mr. Nook wants to speak to you.
If you have a moment, please ask him: "What should I do?"
Ah yes, [name]! I'm really counting on your help.
Just ask me "What should I do?" and I'll share the details with you, hm?
Right now, we'd like to celebrate the grand opening of our tailor shop. A monumental moment for the fashion world!
Would you be interested?
Now then, let's have some brief comments from Mabel and Sable, who will be running the tailor shop!
Ladies? If you would be so kind.
Many thanks to all of you!
If it wasn't for you, we would have never been able to open such a lovely shop here!
I'll work hard with my sister Sable to make a nice place for you all to visit.
So be sure to stop by!
Yes... Please do stop by...
Mabel, Sable, thank you both so much!
Next, a few words from someone who made many valuable contributions so that the tailor shop could be built.
All eyes are on our Resident Representative, [name] her/himself!
Yes, yes! Let me explain the last major task of Project K to you, then!
So, as you might know, I’m always keeping an eye to the most recent cultural developments. I’ve done some research and now the case is clear to me:
… We need to work on our image!
Word-of-mouth marketing is the best thing we can get!
Isabelle will have all the details for you, hm? She's the one who evaluated all the marketing data we've received.
I'm sure she will have some great ideas to brighten up the image of [island name]!
In short, we need to increase our population, improve the island's scenery...
and turn [island name] into the most charming island it can be!
The possibilities are endless!
Infrastructure is essential, but let's plant flowers and use decorations to make this place look snazzy! Presentation matters, hm?
Now then, thanks for your help!
We're on the last part of Project K, the grand plan to hold a K.K. concert on this island!
If we can raise the image of this island and get some excellent word-of-mouth PR…
then I’ll make my golden proposal to K.K. about holding a concert here!
If you need help on improving the island's image, just chat with Isabelle.
Oh, and it wouldn't hurt to start getting ready for the concert by familiarizing yourself with some K.K. songs too, hm?
Oh! Yes!
I know, Mr. Nook has already told you, but I'm leading the official Island Evaluation Committee!
Okay, we only have one member which is me... But hey, you don't get to be the boss of something every day!
[In addition to those dialogues, Tom Nook also announces birthdays, writes letters in regards to the Milage Program etc.]
Right now, we'd like to celebrate our new incline. Suitable, because our island spirit will be inclining as well!
Would you be interested?
I do hope that we can continue helping our wonderful island reach new peaks!
Speaking of which... Let's hear some words of someone who has made all of this possible to begin with!
Who could that be, hm?
Our Resident Representative [name] of course!
Considering our island population and the land we have available, I do believe this will be our last plot!
I hope you're waiting with bated breath to see who will be able to grab the last piece of [island name]!
I know I do!
Wonderful! I will plan my move right away!
However... what is it precisely that I need to do?
Ah! So I just give this Tom Nook on [island name] a call? Understood!
OK! Who should we talk to about moving their home?
[villager]? Understood!
The construction costs will run you 50,000 Bells.
Should we talk to [villager] about this now?
> Let me think on it.
Changed your mind?
Well, you know where to find me if you ever want to talk layout changes.
> Yes, please!
But of course! With pleasure!
Then let's hear what [villager] thinks.
Just a moment please...
Ah, so that's how it is, yes, yes.
Now then, [villager]...
Are you alright with moving to the spot that [name] will choose for you?
Sure, I do! [name] has never failed me!
Splendid! Then everything is settled!
[name] and I will be taking care of the rest, hm?
Alright, [name].
Now that the arrangements have been made, let's quickly deal with the payment, hm?
Next objective for you is to find a cozy little spot for [villager]'s house.
I've placed a moving kit inside your pockets that will surely come in handy.
Just stroll to whatever location you want the house to be in, and place it there!
Hm, hm, yes, yes.
At the moment, we're looking for a new house location for [villager].
Did you find a nice spot already?
> Let's leave it where it is!
Oho! No luck with your search?
Might be better to postpone it, yes?
Very well, then I'll just go ahead and take that moving kit off your hands and return the Bells to you that you had already paid, hm?
I'll also notify [villager] that the move won't be happening.
Ah, no need to worry, that happens.
If you change your mind and set your eyes on a great spot, just let me know!
Hm... [villager] recently moved to this island. Perhaps it'd be in poor taste to ask him/her to relocate?
We ought to let a little time pass before suggesting the idea, don't you think?
Moving buildings like the tailor shop, museum, Nook's Cranny etc.:
Let's see what [Mabel/Blathers/Timmy and Tommy/etc] think(s) of the idea, then.
Wait one moment while I contact her/him...
(Hold on while I contact them... )
Well, Mabel... What do you think about [name]'s suggestion to move your shop?
So, Blathers... [name]'s suggestion to move the museum... What do you think?
...So, Timmy, what do you think about [name]'s suggestion to move the shop?
That's fine by me! I'm sure Sable will be happy with wherever you pick too, [name].
Why, yes! Of course I'm on board!
Indeed, go forth and find us a place fitting for scientific wonder!
I'm all for it! [name] will find us a spot that'll make business boom! I'm sure of it!
Alright then! Sounds great.
You just leave the rest to me and our friend [name].
Yes, yes, indeed. At the moment you should be looking for a new place for the [tailor shop/museum/shop/etc].
Is something wrong?
Something on your mind?
And don't worry. Mabel will be fine.
I'll let her know we won't be moving her shop after all.
Don't worry. I'll be sure to tell Blathers that we won't be moving the museum after all.
Ah, don't fret about Timmy and Tommy. I'll tell them we won't be moving their shop after all.
Whoa, whoa... WHOA!
Am I hallucinating or was that feedback signed by a "K.S."?!
Hm? Yes, there it is.
Very clear.
"K.S." And the penmanship is quite striking, if I do say so myself.
This case is clear. That's not just ANY "K.S.", that's...
Could it be? Can it be? It MUST be!
That message is from the one and only K.K. slider!
Unbelievable, it sounds like a dream!
We've finally achieved our goal of bringing our island to the attention of THE K.K. Slider!
Just what we've been wishing for all this time!
Not only that, but he said he's looking for an excuse to visit!
Then what are we waiting for you two!
Let's make this happen!
If K.K. is looking for an opportunity to visit the island, then let's give him one!
Let's offer him the chance to hold a concert on our shores!
Strike while the iron is hot, they say!
Ah, hello! Do I, perhaps, have the pleasure of speaking with a Mr. K.K. Slider? Yes?
This is... Yes, yes!
I'm with Nook Inc, located on [island name]...
The survey?
Mmm-hmm... Yes! Indeed, we did!
We greatly appreciate your valuable feedback!
That's actually why I'm calling...
We're planning on hosting a concert on our island, so we would like to...
I mean, we would need a special guest - preferably someone who is fond of our ...
Yes, quite... I see...
OH MY! You mean...!
Thank you so much, hm? Such an honor for our little island!
I'm overjoyed!
Yes, but of course! I'll be sure to mail you all the details straightaway!
The entire island will be looking forward to it!
Thank you again! Yes, yes! Talk to you soon!
So... What did he say?
He'll do the concert. That's right.
K.K. Slider is coming HERE!
Congratulations, sir!
He could be here as soon as tomorrow, but he has to check his schedule, of course.
Can you believe it?
We've finally turned our dream into a reality!
We'll spread news of the concert via our island broadcast system.
I do hope you'll be in attendance, [name].
You simply must hear K.K. play! Yes, yes, you must!
after the K.K. concert in front of the player's house:
Greetings, [name]!
Did you enjoy K.K.'s concert too?
It was wonderful, was it not?
I'm overjoyed that we could get him to play here!
It's so very special! And as a commemorative gift, I have his song "Welcome Horizons" for you!
To listen to it, you'll need an item that can play music. And I do hope you enjoy it!
Ah yes! And I have some big news too!
K.K. is apparently very fond of our island now.
He's going to perform a show here every Saturday evening from now on!
It really is astounding... If someone had told me before, there is no way I would have believed it!
[island name] that once was a deserted island, is now the location of significant concerts...
I'm so grateful to you and everyone else on this island!
I guess my getaway-package idea is a success, hm?
I hope [island name] remains a delightful place to live for a long time to come!
You've done so much to help our luck - no doubt, with you, our future looks bright!
Speaking of which, I've developed a nooktastic, new app that should help you make the island even more inviting!
Let me send it to you right away, yes, yes!
The app I've just sent you is called "Island Designer"! Exciting, hm?
It's a special app from Nook Inc. that gives residents the ability to take part in bold island development!
At first, you'll only have permission to create paths, but you can use your miles to access more options, like...
differents kinds of paths and permits for changing our cliffs and rivers!
Once you get a taste of island design, I think you'll want more.
I encourage you to obtain all the necessary permits!
Oh yes, [island name] has come a long way...
I think I'll leave more and more of the future development of this island in the hands of its residents.
Ah [name], I do have high hopes for the future, yes, yes!
On behalf of Nook Inc., I'm excited about our continued partnership and your [island name] plans!
I'm sure your ideas will continue to be priceless!