The Roost part-time job dialogues:
One cup of coffee to go, yes, yes!
One cup of the Kilimanjaro to go, yes, yes!
One cup of coffee to go, with lots of milk, yes, yes!
One cup of coffee to go, yes, yes!
Hm, and only 1 spoonful of sugar.
Ah, yes, yes! Thank you!
...Hm, yes, yes! That's perfect!
That's just what I'd expect from
someone training under Brewster!
I must get back to my office, but
I shall be returning again!
This is not a Kilimanjaro...
I really wanted to drink my usual Kilimanjaro...
It's OK, though!
Thank you anyway!
This doesn't have a lot of milk in it at all...
I really wanted to drink my coffee with lots of milk in it...
It's perfectly OK, though!
Thank you anyway!
This doesn't have the same sweet smell I'm used to...
I always drink my coffee with just 1 spoonful of sugar...
It's OK, though!
Thank you anyway!
It's not brimming with milk, and it's not as sweet as my usual, either.
...Well, it's OK!
After all, Kilimanjaro is still my favorite!
Thank you anyway!
This is no Kilimanjaro,
and it's not as sweet as my usual coffee, either.
Hmmmm... Well, it does have plenty of milk just as I like, so it's OK!
Thank you anyway!
This is no Kilimanjaro and there's not a lot of milk either.
Hmmmm... Well, it only has 1 spoonful of sugar just as I like, so it's all OK!
Thank you anyway!
No, no?! This is nothing like the
coffee Brewster usually makes especially for me.
Hmmmm... Well, it's not your fault.
I didn't tell you exactly how I like my coffee.
Thank you anyway!
“Then I suggest you stop being selfish and just give me a hand in the shop!”
(if you decline his offer)
[If anybody has his dialogue when you choose to leave your house the size it is, please let me know! :)]
“You haven’t changed yet!
What did you do with your uniform?
That was store property, you know!”
“You haven’t changed yet?
What did you do with your work clothes?
Hm? Hm?
Here, take this new set, but you must change into them this time!”
Why are you not wearing your work clothes?!
I say! Kids these days, thinking every day should be casual Friday…
Is the uniform I’ve chosen for my employees so unpleasant to wear?
…But I can’t be a dinosaur in the modern day, can I.
Wear what you want.
Just make sure it doesn’t leave my customers feeling uncomfortable, hm?
A workplace must maintain a modicum of dignity, after all.”
You still haven't dressed!
(explains the controls)
And there you go! Come, come! Hurry up and change!
Where are your work clothes?
Today's youth must think that it isn't cool to follow some basic rules anymore... Quite shocking!
...Well, it doesn't matter. You can wear anything you want, as long as it doesn't scare away my customers. That makes sense even to you, hm?
You haven't changed yet!
And what did you do with your work clothes, hm?
Hmmmmph... I'll give you another one, but now I must insist that you change!
Animal Crossing Gamecube:
“…Oh, wait! Boy, am I dense!
This buddy of mine runs the shop in (town name)!!
Let me give him a jingle!
This’ll take me two seconds.
Wait right here, OK?
Hey there, Nook!
…It’s me!
So, what’s the good word?
You raking in the cash?
Ooh, that’s rough! Brutal!
Well, it’s a crazy world!
Anyway, as I was saying, I have someone here who wants to move to (town name).
Oh, yeah, completely!
But the poor thing still hasn’t found a place to live.
It’s sort of a tight spot…
…The kid’s name? Why?...Oh.
It’s (your name).
…Umm, yeah. Yeah, today.
So, think you can help out?
…Oh? Oh, really?
…Uh-huh… I see.
Oh, OK. Cool!
…Yeah, I’ll pass the word on.
…So we’ll catch up later.
Riiight. Thanks a lot.
See ya, Nook, my man!
Well, good news for you!
It sounds like my buddy has some brand-new houses for sale, dirt cheap!
The work’s all done, but he hasn’t been able to rent them.
He wants to unload them, so he’s willing to take a loss.”
“Would your name happen to be (your name)? Good, good!
I just now had a phone call about you, hm?
I’m glad I made it here in time to meet your train. I’m afraid I’m not in the best shape of my life…
But I ramble!
My name is Tom Nook. I, uh, run the store here in town.
I’m quite pleased to meet you, yes?
Something strikes me as odd, though, my young friend.
Moving to a town before settling on a place to live…
Why, it’s the craziest thing I have ever heard of! Madness!
Absolute madness, hm?
Whoa ho ho ho ho ho ho!” (laughing)
(Don’t laugh.)
“Whoa ho! Ho ho! Ah, ahem. Pardon me, I beg you!
That just struck my funny bone.
Now, don’t you worry!
I have a house that you can move into right away!
It should more than suit your needs, hm?
I can show it to you now, so come along! Let’s scuttle!
Here we are!
Not too shabby, hm?
I can most heartily recommend any of these houses!
Take your pick!
Feel free to take a look inside.
Really. I don’t mind. Not in the least.
After all, the doors don’t have any locks.
Take a good look inside. And please!
Bear in mind that it’s a little…how you say…cozy, hm?
Yes, cozy!”
“Well? What do you think?
How was it, hm?”
(It’s OK, I guess)
“Oh…Really? Alas.
Ah well, take your time. Have a look at the others, why don’t you?”
(I like it)
“You’re quite sure? This is the one you want?
(Here is good!)
Very well. It’s decided then!
That house now belongs to you, (your name)!
What a happy day for you, I’m certain!
I’ll tell you what- I’ll even throw in the radio in there at no extra charge!
(I never could sell that thing at the shop…)
Now let me see…I suppose you’d like a quick rundown of your house, so listen carefully, please.
As you can no doubt see…the house doesn’t have any furniture at all.
Yes, quite bare, I’m afraid!
Anything you need, you’ll have to get on your own.
Obviously, you can’t expect me to furnish the place for you.
You can do whatever you like with your own stuff…but don’t try to mess around with other folks’ things!
Well, not that you can! Whoa ho ho ho ho ho!
Nobody will know if you just nudge stuff, though. Ho ho!
You’ll probably want to pop into neighbors’ houses to get some ideas for your own interior designs! I would!
(explains the gyroid)
[…] If you quit playing without talking to it first, it’ll be like everything you did that day never even happened!!!
I can’t imagine a worse fate!
Please take extra care so you never forget. I’d hate to see such a thing happen, hm?
And that marks the end of my explanation.
I’m hoping that I didn’t forget anything…
(asks if he should repeat)
Yes, well, I’m sure you’ll settle into the particulars of life in due time. Don’t worry!
With fees and closing costs, the house comes to…19.800 Bells!!!
(gives him 1.000 bells, everything the player has)
Yes, that would be…
Not nearly enough!!!
You only have 1.000 Bells?!?
You’re joking with me, yes?
Why, you’re so short, I can’t help but laugh!
Whoa ho ho!
You know what happens to people who don’t have money, don’t you? I’ll tell you.
They can’t buy a house!
But…you still need a place to stay, don’t you?
Hmm… A thorny situation.
Yes. Rather thorny.
…Then here’s what we’ll do! You can work part-time at my shop to pay off the rest!
Yes, that’s acceptable!
Splendid! We’re all set!
This will work wonderfully!
Now then, you’ll have to come by my shop later to work.
You can find my shop in Acre (…). You can’t miss it.
At least, MOST people can’t miss it.
If you have trouble, check the map by the station, yes?
I’m heading back there now, so I’ll be waiting for you.
I’d ask you to be quick about coming, yes?”
“Well, finally you arrive!
What took you so long?!?
I was starting to wonder if you’d show!
Only kidding.
Very good, yes!
First off, you’ll need to change into these clothes!
If you must know, I suppose I’d call it your uniform.
Please let me know when you’re done changing, yes?”
“That’s better! Yes. You look like you were born to wear that uniform!
Now you can start working off the remaining 18.800 Bells you owe on your house.
First off, I want you to go and plant some trees and flowers around my shop.
The area around here is too dull – not charming at all.
It’s just not an ideal sort of shopping experience, hm?
People like shopping in areas that are clean and well kept.
So I want you to spruce things up a bit for me.
When you’re finished, come and tell me, yes?”
Why did you change out of your uniform, hm?
Just who gave you permission to do that, I’m wondering?
I swear, what is it with kids these days, hm?
Always needing a casual workplace!
Why, when I was young, we…
…I suppose I must change with the times, yes?
Go on with your hip hipness!
Wear whatever you like!
But! You can’t wear anything that might make my customers feel uncomfortable, yes?
On this point, I won’t budge!
That’s just the way society works, you understand?
Sometimes you have to obey the rules, yes?”
“So, did you make it look a little nicer out there?
Gave the grounds some charming character, hm?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I won’t bother asking how you chose where to plant everything.
After all, I’m not the one who’ll get laughed at when travelers from other villages see your work. My, no!
Now, let’s just see here…
That little chore was worth, oh…
Let’s call it about 80 Bells, yes?
Quite generous, I know…
Oh, and about your wages…
I’ll just keep them as payment toward your mortgage, hm?
Now, what should I have you do next…
Wait just a moment…
Something just struck me…
(your name), you just moved to (town name)!…
…but you haven’t introduced yourself to all the townsfolk, have you?
I’m going to give you a little break, so why don’t you go introduce yourself to everyone in town, hm?
Go on, now!
And don’t forget to introduce yourself to the mayor, too.
That would show some class.
You can probably find him wandering around near the wishing well…
I’ll see you later, yes?”
“So, did you meet everybody in town? Quite a motley crew, yes?
But variety is the spice of life, you know.
If you don’t get along well with the folks here in (town name), you’ll never fit in, you understand?
But never fear!
I have a good feeling about you, hm?
Now then… What shall I have you do next…
Ah, yes…I need you to deliver some furniture, hm?
At last! It’s like you’re actually working in the shop!
Take this furniture to (villager) in Acre (…), yes?
And don’t stop to sniff the roses on the way!
Go straight there, and then come straight back, hm?”
“So you’re back again today? Very good, yes. Very reliable.
Well, let’s get to work!”
“Welcome back, worker bee! It looks like you delivered the furniture. Nice work!
You did a good job, so I figure that earns you…oh, say, 230 Bells.
Not bad wages, hm?
Now, on to your next task!
Hm? What’s that? You say it’s too difficult to try to find things without a map?
Honestly! Kinds these days and their constant complaints!
Why, when I was just a little raccoon, I…
Oh, never mind.
OK, OK…Here’s a map.
It should serve your needs just fine, hm?
Your next job is to write some copy for a direct mailing!
You know, sort of a personal advertisement.
I want you to send it to (villager), who lives in an Acre somewhere in Row (…).
It’s just good business.
(Villager) is a very loyal customer, so this is a notice of a special sale!
As for what you write…
Well, I’ll just leave it up to you, (your name).
But try to make it exciting!
Oh! And you might want to think about introducing yourself as (your name), who works for me, yes?
You can use this stationery to write the letter.
Go to the post office to mail the letter, yes?
Now, hurry back, hm?”
“Did you send the letter, hm?
Good job!
It took you longer than I’d have liked, so I’ll have to dock you a bit.
How does 130 Bells sound?
But I’m glad you got it done.
After all, if you can’t even write a letter, you’re going to have problems in this town.
Oh, yes, well…
I, uh…haven’t actually prepared the next package I need you to deliver, hm?
I’m a bit behind…
It would be a waste for you to just hang around here and wait for me, so why don’t you go help out the villagers?
You may find you can do a little better working for them that you can for me!
But not much better, yes?
Just be sure to come back here after a bit, hm?”
“Were you able to help anybody out?
Many animals need things, hm?
Did you get anything good in return?
The critters in town are all fairly generous, so your work never goes unrewarded. That’s quite nice, yes?
Next, I need you to deliver a nice carpet for me, yes?
And don’t dillydally along the way, hm?
Take this carpet to (villager), yes?
Just because I’m not watching you doesn’t mean you can stop and chitchat with folks you meet along the way!
Then again, there’s no way I can keep tabs on you…
Just try not to gab too much!
Tell me when you’re done.”
“Welcome back, dear employee! Very good, yes! It looks like you’re finally getting the hang of things around here!
The way you work, I’d be happy to have you working here full-time!
Wouldn’t that be a treat, hm?
In any case, I can see you’re putting a lot of effort into your work, so this time I’ll give you 580 Bells.
Next, I need you to deliver an axe to (villager).
Be extra careful with it, hm?
I see that light in your eyes! Now, the stuff you deliver is wrapped, so you couldn’t use it, even if you wanted to!
So don’t get any ideas, hm?
If you want to cut down any trees, you’ll have to get your own axe, yes?
Very good, then!
Give it your best shot!
And tell me when you’re done, yes?”
“Welcome back! Nice work!
Yes, very good, yes!
Now let’s see…
That chore earned you a solid 230 Bells!
Hmm…What to do, hm?
Your next job will be…
Ah, yes! Now I remember!
You’ve seen the bulletin board in front of your house, haven’t you?
Well, I want you to write an ad for my shop on that bulletin board. You get foot traffic around there, yes?
You can write whatever catchy slogan you like.
Just make sure it sounds exciting, hm?
And don’t write anything that might embarrass me!
Once you write something on it, you can never erase it!
Well, off you go, hm?
And let me know when you’re all done, yes?”
“Welcome back! Did you put a buzz-generating ad up there?
Something animals will talk about over the watercooler?
Very good, yes. I suppose…
Hmm… That means…
Yes! You’re all done!
All the work I hadn’t gotten around to is now all done!!!
How wonderful for me, hm?
Since I don’t have any more work for you to do, I’m afraid I have no choice but to let you go.
Hm? The rest of your mortgage?
Oh, of course, you still have to pay ALL of it off! That’s how life works!
Let me just have a look at my records here, hm?
So far, you’ve worked off a total of…1,400 Bells…
So you have 17.400 Bells left to pay! Not exactly a sum to sneeze at, hm?
Since there’s no more work for you here, you’ll have to figure out how to pay it off on your own!
Now how could a youngster go about making some Bells?
I suppose running errands for the villagers…
…and selling things you no longer need, too, hm?
That should generate some cash flow, I should think.
If you’ve got stuff to sell, just come talk to me, yes?
I’ll give you a very fair price for anything you’ve got.
Oh, and when you want to make a mortgage payment, do it at the post office for me.
Tax purposes, you know, hm?
If you can pay off about 1.000 Bells a week, that’ll work for me.
Otherwise, I’ll send for the raccoon goons!
Whoa ho ho ho! Just a joke!
Once you pay it all off, we can talk about remodeling the place for you.
That house you’ve got now is pretty small, after all, and I’m pretty sure you’d like a little more room, yes?
Well, thanks for your help.
I hope you’ll come see me for all of your future shopping needs, hm?”
Wild World (Pelly):
“…Oh! Goodness gracious! You must be (your name)!
I am pleased to meet you!
My name is Pelly, and I am a clerk here in the town hall.
Tom Nook was kind enough to tell me all about you, (your name)…
He informed me that in order for new residents to feel welcome, he has prepared a residence just for them!
Yes! It is a touch modest, of course.
Tom Nook has certainly…been in a giving mood lately, I must say.
…Anyway, I am sure you are anxious to see your home!
(gives you the map so you can find your home)”
I'm not in at the moment.
Please come again later!
“Hey ho! You there!
You’re (your name), yes?
The youth that ordered this splendid house?
Phew! I’m glad you made it in time!
So, what do you think?
Looks quite cozy and comfortable, hm?
[It’s okay.]
*laughs* You’ll get used to it soon enough. Not to worry, hm?
Allow me an introduction.
My name is Tom Nook, and I own the store in this town.
In addition to running the store, I build and remodel existing homes.
I built your house just as you ordered, so I trust you’ll pay it off, hm?
Once you’ve paid it off, it’s all yours, (your name)!
Ah, yes, of course, the question of cost…
Well, the total comes to…a mere 19.800 Bells!
[Are you serious?]
Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho!
Not to worry, hm?
I wouldn’t ask you to pay it all off at once.
(explains saving in your bed)
So just pay it off bit by bit every day at the town hall, that’s all I ask, hm?
[I’m gonna cry.]
Worry not! Worry not, hm?
If you want to know about making money, I’ll tell you!
Yes, actually, I COULD explain it to you, but…
It’s better to learn through living than listening, yes?
Why don’t you come work part-time at my shop, hm?
You’ll earn some money and learn about living in town!
Two birds, one stone, hm?
Yes, yes! What a great idea!
Absolutely top-notch! Yes!
It’s official!
Why don’t you come by the shop in a little bit then, hm?
If you don’t know where the shop is, then check your map.
It’s simple, yes?
Well then, I’ll be waiting for you at the store!
Come on by!”
“Oh, so you’ve decided to show your face!
I was wondering if I’d ever see it!
Unfortunately, you won't get much work done if your pockets are full.
Why don't you drop off your belongings at home before you start working.
All right then, first things first!
You’ll need to change into these work clothes.
If you must know, everyone who works here is required to wear a uniform.
Just say the word once you’re done changing.”
Yes, yes. That suits you just fine.
And since that’s done, we’ll put you right to work.
Yes, indeed!
(plant flowers and trees quest)
Check your pockets, and touch the seeds or sapling you want to plant.
Keep touching it, and you'll be asked what you want to do with it.
Simply choose Plant. It's as easy as that! Yes, indeed!
However, if something is already there, you won't be able to plant anything.
Oh, yes! I'm sure you know this, but make sure you do your planting outdoors!
Now, now! Don't dillydally! I want you to finish up this chore quickly!
I select only the finest goods for my patrons.
I don't sell to employees!
So did you give the grounds some charming character with the plants?
I suppose I’ll have to trust your sense of style, won’t I, (your name)?
(introduce yourself to the town quest, during your break)
Use this time to introduce yourself to your neighbors—my customers!
Be sure to knock before entering their houses. You don’t want to shock anyone.
Oh! And don’t forget to introduce yourself to the mayor, too!
He should be out for a walk near the town hall, so look for him around there.
Very well, now! On your way! No dawdling!
Be sure to introduce yourself to all the townsfolk and mayor!
If you only talk to each villager once:
“A quick nod and a mumbled >Hello< aren’t enough.
Oh no!
You have to get to know them!
Relationships are built on trust.
And not to forget – communication!”
Yes, yes! You’ll get your bearings in (town name) faster by making friends!
I suppose I'll put you in charge of furniture delivery for me.
(furniture delivery job quest)
Surely this is the type of work you had in mind when you accepted the job, no?
So, I'd like you to deliver this furniture to [villager]. Go on!
And don't stop to chew the fat along the way! Go straight there!
And then come straight back! And let me know as soon as you're done, yes?
If you forget who the recipient is, just touch the item in your pockets.
You'll be reminded of who is waiting for it!
And you can check your map to see where the addressee lives.
Don't let me down now!
I'm counting on you to make this delivery. Good luck!
“Welcome back! Welcome back!
Congratulations on your first successful delivery!
You may not look the part, but you are surprisingly dedicated and efficient!
Of course, the folks who get the job done get more jobs to do! Yes, indeed!
(He gives you stationery so you can write a special offer letter to one of your villagers for him + thank them for their loyalty.)
Now be quick about it! But I will not tolerate sloppy work! Correct any typos!”
To write a letter, just tap the stationery. Next, tap Write Letter. Simple, yes?
(mailing to wrong addressee)
Did you get that letter sent off?
Hmm... Something seems amiss. A little fishy, yes.
Don't tell me you sent it to the wrong person!
You did, didn't you?
I don't know why, but that's the feeling I have in my gut.
I know it's a baseless hunch, but I still want you to send the letter again!
And this time, be sure to address it to [villager]! Indeed!
Yes, yes. Here is your new stationery!
Now, you be quick about hammering that out.
And let me know as soon as you're done!
(when throwing away the stationery)
Do you need new paper to write your letter?
> Grand idea!
Yes, yes. Here is your new stationery!
Well? Did you send it?
Yes, yes. Good work. Nice job. Well done.
It took a little longer than I expected, but you got the job done.
Folks in (town name) love getting mail.
If you don’t know how to send one…
It will come back to bite you later.
Now then, your next task will be to deliver a carpet!
No slacking off this time!
Understand, hm?
This carpet is going to [villager], so I need you to get it there.
And don't think that you can dillydally just because I'm not watching you.
And no idle chitchat along the way, either. You understand me, yes?
Good, then. Just let me know once you're done.
Don't stand around here fishing for gossip! You have a delivery to make!
My favorite saying is "Time is money." You'd be wise to remember that!
Welcome back! Welcome back!
And nice job!
Looks like you're finally getting the hang of things around here!
Why if you keep this up, I might consider offering you a permanent position!
(tool delivery) watering can
And don’t get any ideas! No using the products you’re delivering to others!
If you get the urge to water withering flowers, you’ll have to do it on your own time, with a can you buy with your own money!
Since that’s cleared up, get out there and show the world how well you deliver!”
“Welcome back! You are working hard indeed!
Now, now! Next up on your work schedule is... um...
Yes, yes! Now I remember!
(bulletin board ad message job)
Just write something that the kids these days will think is “catchy” and “cool.”
(you can’t erase it)
So don’t write anything too embarrassing.
I’ll be waiting for you so don’t take too long.”
Oh, you don't have to think too hard about it. Anything will do.
You don't have to give it too much thought.
Why, everyone knows a true salesman doesn't even need to know what he's selling!
Welcome back! Did you come up with something good?
Good, good. Well done.
So, that means...
Oh! You're done! You're done!
All the stacked-up work I had that needed doing is all done!
Since I no longer have any work for you, I'm afraid I'll have to lay you off!
Hm? What's that? Your mortgage?
Oh, well, of course you'll still have to pay every last Bell of it back!
If I deduct your wages so far, 1400 Bells, you have only 18.400 Bells left!
Since there is no more work for you to do here, you'll have to find other methods.
But you can sell anything you don't need and save up money that way.
Of course, if you do want to sell anthing, just let me know. I pay top Bell!
You may also be able to make a living running errands for the townsfolk.
If you help them without much grumbling, they may just reward you.
Oh, yes! Make payments at the town hall by depositing them into my account.
Once you've paid off your loan, we can talk about your house.
Your house is quite small now. I'm sure you'd like more space to stretch out.
Happy Home Academy:
Oh, [name]!
What fantastic timing on your part!
I'd completely forgotten a very important thing I must ask of you.
Now that you've moved to [town name], the Happy Room Academy will rate you!
It's not hard at all. And everyone is doing it, yes?
All you have to do is keep your room looking nice and appealing. That's it!
You won't even notice the academy representatives evaluating your room.
And they'll send you the results of their evaluations from time to time.
All you have to do it try to earn a high score. Not so much to ask, hm?
So, what do you think? You will do it, right?
Don't you know? Doesn't EVERYONE know?!?
It's the Happy Room Academy!
That is where fabulous style scientists study style night and day!
It is the primary authority on research into the subject of style, yes?
They evaluate the collection of furniture in a room, and, uh, the layout, and...
Er, how well it matches your carpet and wallpaper, and, uh...
At any rate, they research a lot of things, hm?
They evaluate the living spaces of everyday animals.
...And people, hm?
Those evaluations come in the form of a point total known as the HRA Rating.
It can be quite difficult to earn a high score, but when one does, one feels joy!
It gives one some pretty hefty bragging rights, if I do say so!
Of course, you're willing to put your sense of style on trial, hm, [name]?
You will do it, won't you?
> Count me OUT.
Hm... It perplexes me that you'd say such a thing...
[name], I want to give your life some meaning, hm?
That's why I ask!
Please don't decline. Please!
You must accept, yes?
High scores mean you have a refined sense of style, [name]. You see?
So show us all just how good your interior design skills are, hm?
Well, good luck!
> Count me in.
I just knew you'd say that!
City Folk:
(Pelly tells you about the 4 vacant houses and shows them to you on the map)
“Once you find your future home, I bet you’ll bump into the owner, Tom Nook.
You’ll need to talk to him about payment for the place…”
“Ah hello! You must be (your name)!
Yes, yes, I’ve been hearing so very much about you!
Welcome to (town name)!
My name is Tom Nook, and I run a shop here in town.
I look forward to your patronage there, hm?
…So, how was the house, hm?
You’re very much liking it, aren’t you?
[Not really…]
Oh, gracious, really?
…Well, I guess it is the biggest purchase most people ever make.
Take a look at the other houses and let me know which one you like!”
Well, well, (your name).
I bet that was the first time you’ve seen a house like that, yes?
What’d you think, hm?
Did you like it?
[It’s great.]
Good, good!
So, you will be buying this house, yes?
[I’ll take it!]
Well then, that decides it!
From now on this is your house, (your name)!
And think of that stereo inside as a moving-in gift from old Tom Nook, hm?
(Couldn’t sell it anyway…)
So, tell me, (your name)…
Did you see the attic?
(explains saving in your bed)
So please, don’t ever forget to do it.
A crucial detail, yes?
That’s all I needed to say about the house, but I suppose you might have questions, yes?
(asks if he should repeat)
Yes,yes, you’ll figure it out in time.
Now we need to broach the delicate issue of payment.
So, erm…
There’s the land, the building, taxes, surcharges, various fees, and whatnot…
So, the total for the house is 19.800 Bells!
If you say OK to the payment:
Ah, now that's good to hear! Yes, yes, very good.
I will appreciate it if you pay by money transfer, if you don't mind.
I'll let you know the details later.
But, [name], there is something more important than settling the house business...
And that is... how do you plan on making a living here, hm?
You see, this is a business for me, yes?
So, I expect you to pay off that loan eventually. Yes, yes.
Hm... Yes... I know!
[name], you can come work for me part-time at the shop for a little while!
I can teach you how to make money, show you around town... Two birds with one stone, yes?
[No way!]
Whoa ho ho ho ho ho!
You are having a joke!
Of course, it’s nothing to worry about so much!
Tom Nook is no scary loan shark, no!
You just pay it back in your own time, (your name).
But with that said…
For money, (your name)…
Why don’t you come work part-time at my shop, hm?
You’ll learn how to save, as well, which will certainly be a tremendous help in your new life!
...Look, I had no desire to say this...
But listen, [name]...
You just got here, yes?
And you have no credit in this town, yes?
Then I suggest you stop being selfish and just give me a hand in the shop!
It might even help you get to know the town and the folks in it a little better. Makes sense, hm?
And if you work for me, then I can rest assured you'll pay your loan off, [name]. You see?
No one's saying you must work for free... Get it?
> ...
I must tell you, if you have that much time to think about it, then we might as well just get it done, hm?
[He proceeds to give you the "introduce yourself to the town" quest, as if you had accepted]
If you're tired after your big move, feel free to rest up a bit first, yes?
Like I said, you should use the bed in the attic.
That is to say, if you're done for the day, you should DEFINITELY use it!
...Of course, you may be the type that doesn't like to sleep in a bed...
Yes, yes, if you're THAT type, you can always just use the SAVE button in the upper right corner of the screen.
And you know, [name], you are officially a homeowner now, yes?
So, wouldn't it be nice to take a picture to commemorate such an important occasion?
(explains taking screenshots)
So, take some nice pictures and preserve some wonderful memories here in [town name]!
Yes, what's the matter?
Go on and say hello to everyone in town!
And don't forget to say hello to the mayor in the town hall, hm?
I'm going to head back, so just come by the shop when you're done!
> I'll do it.
Very good, it’s decided!
Well, I can’t leave the shop unattended forever, so let’s get down to brass tacks!
Hrm…You’ve decided on a fine house, so why don’t you go introduce yourself to everyone in town, hm?
Oh! And make especially sure you introduce yourself to the mayor! Yes, yes!
The mayor should be in the town hall, so don’t forget!
In the meantime, I’ll go get some work ready for you.
Just come by the shop later, (your name), yes?
You can take a look at your map to find the shop and town hall, so don’t run about willy-nilly!”
“Try to remember everyone’s names and faces.
That should help you adjust to this new town.
So…You’re just about to start your exciting new part-time, job, yes?
Yes, yes, very good.
First, I want you to change into your work clothes.
Strictly speaking, what I mean by that is the uniform for part-time workers.
Let me know when you’re done changing, hm?”
Those are for customers!
You're at work here, so this is no time to shop, hm?
“Ah yes, that looks quite fitting on you.
(flower/sapling planting)
Sometimes brightening up the outside of your store is just the thing to perk up business, yes?
So make sure it looks really nice out there!
(delivering furniture job follows)
My customers wait eagerly for their goods to arrive, so try to deliver them as quickly as you can, hm?
And get back quickly, too! Don't just loaf about, nibbling the grass on the side of the road!
Now go ahead and get started!
(Your name), that was fast for your first job! You get things done in a flash, hm?
(direct mail quest)
That seemed to take a little too long for my liking, but at least you got it done.
Everyone in [town name] really likes letters, so if it didn't go out, I'b be in trouble, hm?
(proceeds to the carpet delivery quest)
And just because you don’t think I’m watching, don’t go taking detours and chatting about, hm?”
Come now! Don't just stand around like an unsold lamp! You've got a delivery to
[villager] to make!
Do you know my favorite phrase?
"Time is money!"
Don't go wasting either of mine, hm?
“Looks like you’re starting to get the knack for this whole “working for a living” thing, hm?
Keep up the good work!
I like what I see!
(tool delivery, watering can, don’t use it yourself)
(bulletin board quest)
I’ll leave the wording up to you, but make sure it’s something snazzy that all the young kids will like.
And remember, lots of people will see it, so don’t write anything that will make us look bad.”
And don't fuss over it too much.
Just jot something eye-catching and witty and come back speedily, hm?
“You’re done! Yes, done!
Those were all the odd jobs I had lying around!
(you still have to pay the rest of the home loan, 18.400 as usual, explains how you can make money, pay your loan via the ABD (Automatic Bell Dispenser) and renovate eventually)
So, er... Good work here in the shop and everything.
And don’t forget to do all your shopping right here!”