Welcome to our dedication ceremony honoring [island name]'s brand-new bridge!
~ " ~
I feel like this bridge is a turning point for the development of our once-deserted island.
I do hope we can continue making great strides to improve the quality of life in this precious community!
Now then, I'm sure you all can guess what I'm going to tell you next...
It's todays's big announcement!
As stated in a previous broadcast, today we've completed construction of the Resident Services building!
And that's not all the big news for today.
We've also added someone to our island staff!
Ah, don't be shy, hm?
Hello! I'm Isabelle! As Mr. Nook said, I'm part of the Resident Services staff here on [island name]!
While I still have much to learn, I will do my best to support everyone who calls this island home.
Isabelle has previously done resident support work, so I'm sure she'll be a big help to everyone here, hm?
And I've got more to share!
The building itself isn't the only new thing around here. We've given the plaza some much-needed improvements as well!
Normally the plaza is for residents and visiting peddlers who take advantage of its prime location...
But keep an eye out for the occasional seasonal events too!
Should be such fun for everyone, yes, yes!
Well... I believe that wraps up all my announcements for today.
Except for one final thing. This was my very last broadcast!
Starting tomorrow... Isabelle will be your new source for island news!
I'll do my best to share all the latest updates with you, so I hope you'll tune in often!
Yes, yes! There you have it...
New building, new island staff. We are growing, growing, growing!
Finding out what's new at Resident Services is as easy as stopping by and inquiring, hm?
And, of course, we plan on holding a ceremony to commemorate the new Resident Services building.
We'd love for everyone to take part!
I do believe this sums it all up...
Isabelle and I will be there to help you whenever you need us!
Right now, we're looking at holding a ceremony for this Resident Services building - now made of rocks and mortar!
Would you be interested?
Thanks to everyone's tireless efforts, [island name] is developing wonderfully! Yes, yes! I must confess, there was a time when I thought that our little Resident Services "building" would remain a tent forever.
But look at us now!
Here we are with a beautiful new facility the whole island can enjoy!
Once again, I wish to thank everyone who supported our efforts.
And I would be at fault if I failed to acknowledge the strong ally who'll help me run things from now on!
Isabelle, if you could grace our island friends with a few words, hm?
I'm so glad for this opportunity to say thanks to [island name]!
Like Mr. Nook said: My name is Isabelle!
I haven't been on the island long, so I have a ways to go until I'm fully up to speed, but...
You can bet your bottom Bell that I'll help in any way I can!
If you need anything, come see me!
Thank you! Thank you, Isabelle!
Now, let's have a few words from someone who made our new Resident Services building possible in the first place.
That's right!
Let's hear from our Resident Rep, [name]!
Anything you want to add?
Welcome to the new and improved Resident Services tent!
Oho! But of course it's not a "tent" anymore, hm? Thanks to your help, we've got a wonderful new building!
Now, as I've mentioned in my broadcast...
We need new support staff for a new building, so Isabelle is here to take good care of us.
You're [name], right?
Mr. Nook has told me all about you! I just started today, so I'm sure I'll have my paws full learning all the ins and outs of the new job.
But I'm already smitten with island life, so you can count on me to give my absolute best!
Well said! Isabelle and I will split up duties here to better support you all!
Broadly speaking, I'll take care of anything related to homes or other construction issues, while Isabelle will help you with general island matters and resident support.
Just come sit at the appropriate counter when you need help, and we'll rush over in two swishes of a raccoon's tail!
In fact, have a seat now so we can introduce you to some brand-new services!
And with that out of the way, there is something I'd like your help with if it's not too much of a bother...
When you have a moment, please sit at my counter.
Our Resident Services te-...building is always open so we'll be there for you and all of [island name] whenever you like!
Today we are happy to see a new face on [island name]:
[villager name]! Yes, yes!
If you happen to meet him/her, please give him/her a warm welcome!
I hope you give him/her lots of great advice about living here!
Now then... I have one more bit of important news to wrap things up.
It's so wonderful to see all the enthusiasm for island life. Our population is certainly growing, hm?
[island name] is becoming a rather bustling place! Yes, yes!
Our goal, as always, is to provide you with the top-quality support you deserve.
And so, please note...
Resident Services will soon relocate fom its current tent into a new, more permanent building!
It's a big move and construction will take some time, so we will be closed tomorrow.
Please check on lost items at the recycle box, or use the Nook Stop today while it's available, yes, yes? Good!
Alright, it's time for our final announcement of the day...
For all of you DIY-loving residents out there, I have a very exquisite treat!
DIY veterans can now take part in a special customization workshop I'm hosting!
Learning how to customize will help you change up the look of any DIY projects you create, hm? I have no doubt it will broaden your creative expertise!
I'll conduct the DIY workshop inside Resident Services. Curious crafters should stop by!
That's all from me. Time for you all to get out and enjoy your day. Yes, yes!
No worries if you forgot, but my name's Mabel!
I'm an old friend of Timmy, Tommy, and, of course, Tom Nook! We go waaaaaaaaaay back.
Anyway, that's how I heard about [island name], and I came out here to sell clothes and stuff.
My dream is to open my own shop right here on the island, but I gotta build up a customer base first.
I'll try to stop by a couple of times a week, so if you see me around, don't be a stranger, alright?
As you might have heard on today's broadcast, I'm now offering a new workshop on customization.
I think you'll find DIY even more fun when you master this skill.
I do hope you take me up on this opportunity, hm?
I'm looking for residents who are willing to learn about customization.
Being able to re-design your crafted creations, will really make your items shine!
Just try and see for yourself, hm?
Ready to dip your toes into the delightful waters of customization, [name]?
> Customization?
Customization allows you to change some major details of many different items!
Think: Color, fabric, design and whatnot!
After all, handmade items are becoming even more charming, once you give them your personal touch!
Hm, yes, I think that sums it up nicely. Now then! Are you ready to try it out yourself?
> I'd love to!
Yes, yes! That's the spirit!
Then let's begin!
I believe a brief explanation about customization is in order.
Honestly, it's incredibly simple.
First, you'll, of course, need the item you want to customize, along with the required number of customization kits...
Then you'll customize your item at a workbench.
And voilà - the design or color will change in the blink of an eye!
I do believe you'll find this easier to understand once you try it yourself, hm?
So let's begin!
Your goal for this session is to make a wooden wardrobe...
and then do some customizing!
The wardrobe you'll make, as well as closets, chests, and other items that store clothing, are quite useful, yes, yes!
You can use them to easily change into any clothes you have stored in your home's storage!
You could use your custom-colored wooden wardrobe to put on your own fashion show...
That freedom of expression is just the sort of thing we enjoy here on [island name], hm?
Oops! You're going to need the DIY recipe for it, first! Just one second, I'll send it over now...
There! All set!
So, come see me after you get a wooden wardrobe, hm?
You've already signed up for my workshop regarding DIY customization, [name].
Just ask me "About that workshop...", if you wish to know, how to proceed!
[name]! You've already signed up for my workshop regarding DIY customization.
You will need a wooden wardrobe for us to continue.
Just come talk to me, once you've got one, hm?
Oh! [name]!
You've got your wooden wardrobe!
Then I believe it's time for you to customize it.
I'll give you the customization kits you'll need in a moment.
For now, please step up to the workbench.
Hm, looks like you're ready now with your wooden wardrobe.
Then I believe it's time for you to customize it.
First, [name], let me give you some customization kits!
Next, pull out your wooden wardrobe and try customizing it!
Yes, yes! Truly excellent!
As you've just seen, customizing items is quite easy when you have customization kits and a workbench.
You can take the extras from today as my gift to you. Use them in your future customization projects, hm?
As a graduate of my workshop, you'll now be able to buy any kits you need from the shop.
Now then, for the most part, you can customize furniture or other items you've made as DIY projects...
However, some of the mass-market furniture items sold in the shop can also withstand some customization.
For instance, you might be able to change an item's fabric or add a custom design to it.
Figuring out what you can customize and how you can customize it can be a lot of fun!
And this concludes my workshop on the topic of customization!
I hope you enjoy putting on a fashion show in your home using your custom wooden wardrobe.
Now, take a break, hm?
I do believe you've earned it!
I wouldn't know what else to tell you, [name]!
You've come so far! I'm sure that by now, you know exactly how to make the most out of your every day on [island name], yes, yes!
Hey, I've heard that Tom Nook and you are working hard on making [island name] attractive to new residents!
Great, great! The more potential jogging partners we have, the merrier! ~
How have things been going since we last spoke? Are you close to finishing the plots and furniture?
> Everything's finished!
Goodness! Truly?!
Well, well, then I must thank you for your dedication with all my heart!
That means the rest is up to me!
I'll get started on home construction right away so we can welcome our new island residents.
And... that's that, my friend!
I have asked so much of you, and you finished everything!
Ah, but of course, let me give you a token of my appreciation as I had promised.
Oho, yes! This is for you!
It's some fencing! You could surround your home to create a yard or surround some flowers to make a garden...
Fencing should make it easier for you to create yards or parks or other outdoor areas.
I can already envision, how beautiful [island name] will look thanks to your design ideas. Yes, yes!
I'm thinking 50 pieces of simple wood fencing should give you an excellent start.
In the future, I will offer DIY fencing recipes you can get by redeeming Nook Miles!
The selection will change daily and we'll offer a variety of designs! Check the Nook Stop sometime, hm?
Well, I could have NEVER done this without you, [name]! That's for certain.
The houses have been built, the furnishing is in place...
To be honest, for the moment, I think that's it!
The rest is in my paws!
I stake my name and reputation to get this done quickly and to get it done right!
By the way, I plan on letting the island know about folks moving in or out during my island broadcasts.
Once I know who will move into a certain home, I'll post the info on the sign for that plot.
So if you ever feel like you could use some exclusive info:
My signs are more than decoration, yes, yes!
Nook Mileage Program letter:
Dear Ms/Mr [name]!
Many thanks for using the Nook Stop, as well as our Nook Mileage Program.
Please find your ordered item attached to this letter.
We do appreciate your business!
Nook Inc. Mileage Program
As I mentioned yesterday, Resident Services is closed today due to construction.
I realize this may be a bit of an inconvenience, but I promise the island will be better for it! Just a bit of patience, hm?
As you can imagine, I'll have my paws full today with the Resident Services construction.
I'll be getting back to that right away. Have a good day, everyone!
Right, right! Yes, yes! This is the construction consultation counter!
Before we begin, please allow me to briefly explain what precisely it is that you can do at my counter!
In addition to my usual duties, we can also talk about issues related to island construction. Everything that makes our island even more charming, relaxing and practical, yes?
I can help with building bridges or inclines such as ramps and stairs.
Or even moving existing buildings!
As these are optional extras to enhance your island experience, these services will of course incur some additional fees...
So with that in mind - what do you think?
How can I be of assistance to you?
> I need your help!
Oho! Time to jump into action! The work begins!
By the way, one of my favorite questions is "What should I do?", hm?
If you really want to dive in and get some work done, that's a good one.
I enjoy giving my friends direction!
Now then...
This is the construction consultation counter!
How may I help you, hm?
Let's chat! There are a number of things we can discuss, but...
what did you have in mind?
I see! But please do come talk to me and tell me about your remodeling wishes, hm?
Oho! And what exactly did you have in mind, hm?
Not convinced? No worries! I'm always here if you change your mind!
Now then, is there anything else I can help you with?
Thanks much, indeed!
Please do come again any time, hm?
I won't be going anywhere!
Oho! You're already eager to hear how you can help out, hm?
Well here's how:
We've got a marvelous building for Resident Services now! And you've no doubt admired the plaza, yes?
It's primed and ready for major events, if I have anything to say about it...
To think that we've started with a deserted island and have grown into a bustling community... It's truly unbelievable...
So I want to do something grand to celebrate!
Oh yes... I have big plans...
> Good luck with that.
What?! Don't be so quick to dismiss my plans!
At the very least, you should hear me out!
> Tell me more!
Ohoho! Got you attention, hm?
Then prick up your ears, this is as easy as it is daring...
It's all about the incredibly popular musician K.K. Slider! We will drag...I mean... invite him to [island name] and then he will put on a show here and...
Er, [name] I'm sure you know who K.K. is, yes?
> I'm his biggest fan!
I always knew you had excellent taste, [name]!
By the way, his song "K.K. Lament" is my go-to karaoke song!
Ah, please excuse my excitement. As you might have guessed, I'm a big fan. It's easy to get sidetracked talking about him...
But anyhoo, if we hold a K.K. concert here, it would be spectacular publicity for [island name]!
Not to say that it's not already a jewel of life quality, but...
a K.K. show would be the icing on the cake of cultural relevance!
That's why I wanted to ask you, [name], if you could maybe lend me a hand with this...?
When you're ready for more details, come ask me "What should I do?" again, hm?
Then I'll tell you everything!
Ah! I take it this means you are ready to hear the details? ...Of my grand scheme?
...To lure K.K. here to hold a concert?
I call it Project K, yes, yes!
My brilliant plan is divided into three main steps.
Step 1! More visitors!
The more popular our island is, the more efficient our strategy!
Step 2! More residents!
Almost the same, but we also need some folks to stay with us!
These two steps should turn [island name] into a cultural hotspot.
Which then leads us to our third step!
K.K. hears about [island name], is amazed, and wants to host a concert here!
Now then, since we will first need more tourists, we should add a campsite to our island!
A campsite will make it easier for visitors to experience life here.
And it'll surely go viral and enhance the image of the brand [island name]!
Would you be so kind as to get your NookPhone out of your pockets, [name]?
...And done! I've sent you the recipe for a wonderful campsite construction kit!
Please craft that an pick a great spot for our new campsite, hm?
I'm counting on you!
We're building a campsite in order to invite new guests to spend their vacation [island name] - style!
For this, you will need to first craft a campsite construction kit, which you can then place in a quaint area, hm?
You are the proud owner of a loan-free, luxurious home!
Hard to imagine, how great you must be feeling right now! After all, what could be better?
Well... You COULD add another room. That would indeed technically be better...
Ah, don't listen to me, no, no! I simply can't help myself.
But DO come see me if I've piqued your interest, hm?
Ah, you wish to talk about your home, hm?
What's on your mind?
> I want to relocate.
Ah, you want to move your home?
Once you pick out a new place, I'll have it moved by the following morning.
The cost for all that is 30,000 Bells.
Are you ready to start, hm?
Yes, yes! Excellent! Now the next step is for you to head out and find your new plot.
You see, you'll need to rope off some land at the location you'd like to move to.
You'll find the moving kit you need in your pockets. Please set it up in the place where you wish to live, yes?
Yes, yes! I've already accepted your request to move your home.
Is there something on your mind?
Oh? Couldn't you find a good location?
Then we'll cancel the plan, and I'll return your money!
Oh! But... There' something I should tell you first.
Along with layout assistance, I'm also ready to help when residents want to move their homes!
That's something we can do even if you're still repaying your loan.
If you're interested, tell me! Yes, yes!
Alright, I've kept you waiting long enough... How can I help you?
Oho! Curious about bridges and inclines, eh?
Excellent! Because, you know...
with the renovation of Resident Services, we have something grand for our getaway-package participants.
Our dear customers can now easily add major projects such and bridges and inclines to the island! Yes, indeed!
Major projects don't come cheaply, though, no, no!
However, this is where being a community really comes into play! Everyone who lives on the island can freely contribute toward the construction fees.
So we can discuss your island hopes and dreams even if you're not swimming in Bells yet, hm?
But be advised, you can only have either a bridge or an incline under construction at any given time.
So consider your plans carefully before discussing them with me, yes?
Oh, really?
Well, if you change your mind later, you know where to find me, hm?
Alright. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Oho? Yes, yes! Let's talk about the layout of our island. Always a pleasure!
As Resident Representative, planning the locations of different structures falls to you, hm?
As such, I'll bet...
you've probably thought, "Oh! That building would be better elsewhere!"...
Then never fear, Nook is here!
So I'm here for you! We can talk about layout changes that take full advantage of our island's terrain.
But, of course, moving buildings cannot be done with just one paw, so there are some construction costs for you to cover.
However, I'm sure that you won't let a few Bells stop you from shaping our island into its most ideal form, hm?
Now, if you are interested in moving your home, say "About my home..." and we can discuss that.
Now then, if there's a building you have in mind, we can discuss moving it now. How about it, hm?
> I wish to expand.
Well, hm... For your home, I think adding a new room would be nice.
If we'll add it on to the back, it won't change the look of the home, but you'll get so much more space.
It'll also keep the construction costs down, relatively speaking.
This will require taking out a loan for 348,000 Bells. What do you think? Shall we proceed?
> Yes, let's do it!
Excellent! I'll get the construction started right away.
Everything should be ready for you by tomorrow morning. So exciting!
Exciting indeed!
Now then, tell me...
What did you want to talk about with me?
> Nevermind, thank you!
Ah, no worries at all! Just come see me, if you need further info on bridges and inclines.
Bridges and inclines, hm? Very well!
And what exactly can I do for you?
> Demolish something.
Oh! Demolition?
But oh well, it's understandable. Space is quite rare on a splendid little island such as ours!
Demolishing a bridge or an incline would require you to pay a small fee of 10,000 Bells.
On top of that, the demolition process is irreversible!
So PLEASE be absolutely sure about it, hm?
Good, good. So, do you still wish to demolish something?
Knowing that you CANNOT take your decision back later?
Oho! You wish to demolish something?
Well, well... But I do understand. We have a number of structures on the island, so this was bound to happen.
Now then, what are we going to demolish?
A bridge or an incline?
Ah, a [bridge/incline], yes?
I would need to charge a modest fee of 10,000 Bells for this.
Are you sure that you wish to go through with it?
> Demolish! Demolish!
Oho, message received, loud and clear!
Well, I'll start the necessary paperwork, and it should be gone by tomorrow!
It comes down to bridges and inclines.
So, what are we going to demolish?
You want to demolish a [bridge/incline]?
There will, of course, be a small demolition fee of 10,000 Bells.
Are you sure about this?
> Well now, I don't know.
Changed your mind, hm? Yes, yes, we did go through all the trouble to build it in the first place after all...
But if you decide it really does need to go, I'm here to help you with that.
Understood! I'll have the site cleaned up by tomorrow, then.
Ah, you want to talk about bridges or inclines, hm?
At the moment, I can't discuss any changes.
My paws are full since we're getting ready to shut down the site for the [bridge/incline].
Everything should be taken care of by tomorrow, so let's talk after that.
Oho, you'd like a new bridge? Ah, yes.
Bridges are a good way to connect land separated by rivers and who likes to get wet paws, hm?
Go ahead then! Have a look at our catalog and pick one.
A [bridge]!
So this is the type you want, yes?
You're sure about this?
My, my! Changed your mind?
After all, it is a rather large project, so it's a good idea to think it through.
No problem!
In this case, let's settle on a prime location for it next!
It's best if you choose it yourself and I've got a bridge marker kit to help you!
I've already snuck it into your pockets. Quite marvelous, hm?
Please use it to set aside some land for our bridge project.
Place it near a river and you'll be able to imagine what the bridge would look like!
Ah, [name], looking for a location to install our new [bridge/incline], yes?
How may I help?
> Give me pointers!
But of course!
There are quite a few things to think about when selecting a location for bridge construction!
We want to get it right!
You still have the bridge marker kit I gave you, hm? That will be the start of everything, yes, yes!
Just find a good spot, face the river and deploy!
However, there might be some complications...
If the river is too wide or too narrow, or if the bank is uneven, it's not going to work.
Then you would need to find a different spot. Apart from that...
No, I can't think of anything else related to bridge construction!
Good luck, hm? I'm most excited to see where our new [bridge] will lead us!